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Rofl teh cake April 12 2011 13:39:44
take me with you radoooooooo :/
Raven April 11 2011 20:28:51
Second part of portal 2 comic is available 043p1.html
Radoo April 11 2011 20:06:10
Anyone from NL? Grin I plan a trip this summer. Toke
Hungover Engie April 11 2011 18:55:58
I has the Skypes...
spaceboy April 11 2011 00:53:53
Yeah, both really good, worth checking out on the VODs Grin
Undead2k April 10 2011 23:19:12
Argh, missed all the SC2 games cause friends wanted to play LoL. D: Good matches?
Radoo April 10 2011 20:45:17
Yey! One Protoss in the next phase! Smile
spaceboy April 10 2011 19:05:31
Starcraft 2: Day 2 of the TSL ro16 about to start Grin Adel vs QXC and Kas vs Nada amLiquidTV
Masson April 10 2011 16:25:32
I meant anyone else got skype Pfft
matswatz April 10 2011 15:46:41
You mean damp squid Spaceboy? Innocent
Cpt Obvious April 10 2011 12:36:19
Got no females im afraid :/
Masson April 10 2011 12:28:05
i've just had to get skype to please the female. anyone else got it?
Radoo April 10 2011 11:42:45
Ahahaha, the Aiur Chef custom game is funny, and you get an avatar pretty quick!
spaceboy April 10 2011 03:32:44
Nah not really, was a bit of a damp squib, both series ended 3-0 with no really close matches Sad Hopefully tomorrow will be better Grin
Undead2k April 10 2011 01:42:46
Damnit, missed todays SC2 because I was out drinking. Forgot all about it. Any really good matches?
Radoo April 09 2011 20:03:35
Next match LIVE Protoss vs Protoss Smile
Radoo April 09 2011 20:01:46
3-0 Roll nice... even though I want Protoss to win Smile
Radoo April 09 2011 19:43:52
nice games... 2-0 thorzain.. 3-0, 2-1? Smile
spaceboy April 09 2011 19:09:54
Starcraft 2: TSL ro16, first match is Tyler vs Thorzain, second is MC vs WhiteRa amLiquidTV
Raven April 09 2011 09:06:28
portal 2 actual co-op gameplay with gestures and high fives laythrough