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Rofl teh cake July 13 2011 11:08:02
I... I'm sorry naughty ;_;
Radoo July 13 2011 08:02:51
The Cake is a lie? Smile
NaughtyMe July 12 2011 19:43:04
Scumbag Cake - joins team, fucks off after 3 mins of deaths.
Rofl teh cake July 12 2011 18:32:35
that's mean, engie.
alecom July 12 2011 17:16:43
My map has been updated (: >cllick<
Hungover Engie July 11 2011 08:04:33
Good morning, peasants.
spaceboy July 10 2011 22:36:18
NASL Finals are about to start Grin MC vs Puma (PvT) 1453265648 Winner gets $50k Shock
Leif July 10 2011 00:36:29
I love MC Hammer
spaceboy July 09 2011 19:04:08
You seem confused Leif?! Grin ... second day of NASL finals starting around nowish!
Leif July 09 2011 03:26:09
(????)?? ???
spaceboy July 08 2011 19:07:15
Starcraft: NASL finals this weekend, Ro16 starting shortly
tomregev July 07 2011 08:28:19
Don't buy items from the vendors, they're overpriced. Only buy recipes.
wolflordandy July 07 2011 05:09:01
I was shocked to see it cost 3k crowns... then realised I'd accumulated over 6k, I just grind missions, still got all basic gear, I should probably get better, although the crafting confuses me
tomregev July 07 2011 01:58:12
Anyone who wants the spiral knights achievement let me know, I have a firecracker I can pass around.
matswatz July 04 2011 22:40:30
That does sound pretty awesome
Cpt Obvious July 03 2011 17:22:21
That is just genious, a full game with that idea would be fun. Imagine something like a full city from GTA with those physics and warping.
matswatz July 02 2011 05:03:29 some interesting prototype gameplay called Torsion.
Rhosauce July 02 2011 00:24:23
KF Summer Sideshow is active! I R EXCITE
Raven June 30 2011 20:11:49
Need this argos job now
Tim June 30 2011 18:45:35
Steam summer sale is starting. Uh oh.