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NaughtyMe September 17 2012 20:17:23
Yes yes...I know some of those words
sick-lizard September 17 2012 18:42:57
yep i fecked the seeding on the primary key at some point.. has no side effects in this context
NaughtyMe September 16 2012 23:53:28
Duplicate entry '1347835992' for key 'PRIMARY'
spaceboy September 15 2012 12:04:13
Starcraft 2: WCS Europe this weekend! This is a biggy folks, should be amazing! Grin
sick-lizard September 13 2012 18:26:39
This guy is now my hero
Acegikmo September 12 2012 07:33:05
Hello again! Long time no see. Just posted a thread about Flowstorm Smile
spaceboy September 11 2012 04:29:30
My computer appeared to be all broken.. but now it is fixed! Hooray! Grin
sick-lizard August 28 2012 12:50:21
I had a really good time, best one I have been to so far, now looking forward to i49 Smile
Radoo August 28 2012 12:27:57
So, how was it at i46? Cool
sick-lizard August 25 2012 00:51:09
lol @djc casting in a smooth jazz type voice
spaceboy August 24 2012 22:27:03
Undead2k August 24 2012 06:30:39
Why Heeeeeeeeello!
Radoo August 23 2012 16:55:45
Hi! Smile Where have you been lately?
Fionny August 23 2012 12:54:42
Said I drop by and say hello, so Hello!
spaceboy August 15 2012 15:46:09
Starcraft 2: IEM Cologne starts today Grin
Radoo August 13 2012 18:34:42
CS GO is here, in case you haven't noticed.
sick-lizard August 13 2012 16:34:33
he likes getting arsey Grin
spaceboy August 13 2012 15:07:45
Oh you! kiss
NaughtyMe August 12 2012 20:12:45
Replying, because you got arsey last time.
spaceboy August 11 2012 16:56:51
Starcraft 2: Liquid vs IM in the final of IPL Team Arena Challenge Grin