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NaughtyMe November 26 2013 21:11:48
Shock Fuck me
Leeroy November 25 2013 22:16:38
Boo Grin
spaceboy November 08 2013 20:29:10
2013 WCS Global Finals from Blizzcon! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!
Hungover Engie October 30 2013 14:46:52
What's the word, ladies and gentleglucks?
sick-lizard October 27 2013 21:40:23
RIP Lou Reed Sad
NaughtyMe October 26 2013 20:22:18
no, vile green bile
matswatz October 11 2013 14:42:32
give peas a chance folks
sick-lizard October 04 2013 11:35:57
its ok soon, you won't have any pilots with you, they will be on the ground sleeping while you are flying Grin
Mr G September 28 2013 19:29:06
Heard yesterday on the radio that 56% of pilots asked that they did fall sleep while flying. Shock
Mr G September 24 2013 22:38:54
free/cheap beer is always a good thing, unless your are bus/train driver then not so cool pilots don't give a monkeys as they sober up before they land hopefully
sick-lizard September 24 2013 20:02:29
not sure if good thing or bad thing... n-your-gut
sick-lizard September 07 2013 13:40:48
lol about $1 did the trick Grin
spaceboy September 05 2013 18:25:34
Ha ha with that "you" in bold I thought it was going to be a link.. I honestly don't know what I was expecting to find.
NaughtyMe September 04 2013 19:51:49
Why, how much money did you have to leave on the bedside table?!
sick-lizard September 04 2013 17:14:26
its cheaper than a night out with your mum!
Cpt Obvious September 03 2013 23:40:25
I hope its not too expensive keeping this dead forum alive
spaceboy August 23 2013 13:05:09
As do the SC2 WCS Season 2 Finals! Weeeeeee!
sick-lizard August 21 2013 22:45:11
Humi August 11 2013 13:58:34
I will watch both Smile
spaceboy August 10 2013 23:07:17
Yeah I know.. it was quite the scheduling snafu tmi