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BAH! youre all lucky ...
.. no backstabs from me for a while, im having to change my ISP 'cause my current one is routing me through germany (lord knows why), so breathe easy snipers, heavys and medics.

I'll be back of course, it'll be like the Empire Strikes Back (perhaps "The Empire Stabs Backs" would be more appropriate).

BTW what ever happened to that web comic someone was going to do?
militant camel
Yes! GrinWink
I wondered why I've been having less panic attacks lately.

I had to change my ISP last year too, was a total pain in the ass. There's some crap about limited speed around here, so I can only have about 1-2mbit, even though supposedly we're paying for up to 8. I blame BT.

Cya when you get it sorted.
Yeah cya soon Agrippa Smile
When I get more time to play, your isp starts sucking Sad
right im finally fully migrated to my new ISP. Afaik ive no longer got any ping or choke affecting me, but will be checking it out tonight. Equally apart from teh silly backstab animation i no longer have any excuse for when i balls up.

EDIT:: ok well look slike i jumped the gun on that one, its not working at all now. another week of this and im giving games up for good.

Edited by agrippa on 19-02-2008 12:30

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