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marilyn at
W�tki, o kt�rych jeste� powiadamiany na e-mail, je�li pojawi� si� nowe posty

Nie masz �adnych obserwowanych w�tk�w na swojej li�cie.
Je�eli chcesz doda� jaki� w�tek do listy obserwowanych, wr�� i kliknij przycisk 'Obserwuj'.

hmmmm maybe ive some problems with the site and the avatars!?!? Only me or anybody else gettin weird letters
but it kinda looks nice Giggleol:
It says that when I click on the "Notifing" link that has suddenly appeared.

And there's also some broken images around the avatars for me.

Out of interest, what CMS are you guys using? I don't recognise it.

Edited by Megalomania on 01-01-2008 23:39
Clever Idiot
yeah whilst trying to fix image validation, I inadvertantly re-itroduced some of the un-translated Polish content, the section you have pointed out is thread notifcation which I cannot get working atm
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