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Update tf 21/12
Clever Idiot
Team Fortress 2
Sudden Death mode is now a server option (a convar) and defaults to OFF
Sapped buildings now take slightly less damage from the Spy who sapped them
The Medic's Medigun now charges at an increased rate during Setup time, to remove the need for self-damage grinding
Fixed an rcon/console command that could cause server crashes
Prevented players from playing the "civilian" class
Prevented players from hiding their name in the scoreboard "is this them including 32 man server list?? funny how they filter them out!"
Fixed exploit where the Medigun UberCharge wouldn't drain if you switched weapons "bastards"
Fixed decals not being correctly applied to the world in some cases
Fixed critical bullet tracers not being visible to players other than the firer
Fixed first person spectator view of the Spy watch not showing the correct cloak value
Fixed the teleporter's player shaped particles not drawing
Fixed the flamethrower stuttering when firing directly into a building
Fixed a rare crash that can happen when a player being healed leaves the server suddenly
Fixed rocket trail effects sometimes existing permanently in world
Added effects to players when they earn an achievement, visible to other players nearby "handy n00b alert"
Tweaked achievement HUD fonts and color palette for more readability
Improved stat gathering for map play times to increase accuracy
Improved stat gathering around draws to better understand why they're occurring
Fixed occasional misreporting of syringe gun & fireaxe damage distances to the stats system
Fixed an occasional crash caused by an achievement not being found during a game announcement

Now waits until either team wins fully before changing to another map on server timelimit expiring
Teams now score a point per captured control point, rather than per sub round
Prevented Demomen being able to launch grenades into the stage three alleys while standing at the final cap point "no indirects spam"
Fixed gaps in stage gates that allowed snipers to kill defenders during setup
Fixed several model and brush perch exploits in stage three "sweet"
Added stair access to the upper area in stage three after the first cap
Limited line-of-sight at the first control point in stage 3 to remove a griefable sniper spot

Source Engine
Fixed some audio buffer support issues with Vista
WorldVertexTransition under dxlevel 80 + 81 now correctly uses vertex alpha to blend the two textures
Improved the console in the graphical UI version of the dedicated server

Relay proxies can now record demos now with tv_autorecord 1
Fixed an interpolation code bug during demo playback that was resulting in view jitter
Added several TF specific game events to SourceTV auto director logic
Increased the average shot length by 2 seconds

sudden death is still enabled with melee on random.

Teams now score a point per captured control point, rather than per sub round

Ive posted a complate about this as now each cap points counts as a round score so mp_maxrounds has to be set to 12 so people will get a chance to defend and attack in a map change, rather than the more simple way of mp_maxrounds 2 DoH! what are they thinking, if you did nt have map cfg and most servers dont that would be alot of server will have well for 12 rounds lol.
This will also mean un even rounds if people defend...

Edited by Clever Idiot on 21-12-2007 03:21

hmm, yeah, that's a mistake. hopefully they'll see the problems this causes and change it back. I'll file a complaint and bug report myself, also.

OK, good news, if it's true:

Thank goodness.

Edited by Tim on 21-12-2007 21:34



Yesterday's TF2 release included the ability for servers to have
map-specific .cfg files in the cfg folder. It was missed in the release

Edited by sick-lizard on 21-12-2007 23:17

Clever Idiot
Done , see if it works.

Worked a treat - removed SM map config plugin.
they still did it half arsed fashion would have like a folder called mapcfg in the cfg folder or the cfg.s actually in the maps dir..

hell at least there getting there...

omg this bloody stupid 80 mins of dustbowl & no way making it play nice aprt from timed use.. grrr

Edited by sick-lizard on 22-12-2007 10:17

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