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Dragon Age Origins
Anyone else getting it?

Its available on steam for prepurchase just wondering whats everyone elses view on it, it looks good but its coming out right between borderlands and L4D2

My main concern if it opens another launcher like oblivion and fallout 3 as my main computer wont allow me to play games with launchers
Cheaper elsewhere
Slim The Chameleon
I'm interested in this, but it's a shame it's not got any mutiplayer that would of been a awesome co-op. Frown
If they kept the multilayer I would have got this at launch but seeing as they took it out I'm not all that interested.

It looks good graphically and the game features sound amazing but taking multilayer out was a big downer for me :/
I umm err ... I has it downloaded.

With the DLC's too ... it's fun Rock
t'is a good game, love it to pieces at the moment. So far I have put over 80+ hours into it. ;X

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Just gone through the Fade and grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr that peeved me off!!
The fade is a right arse of annoyance took me a while to do
Yeh I fought the Sloth demon at the end and then my game crashed so I just closed it as the damn thing hadn't saved.

Logged in tonight just so I could do it again and make damn sure I saved it. Grrrr!
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