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Interview with Valve's Robin Walker
Here an interesting interview with Robin Walker about the upcoming future of TF2:

A little abridgment:

Q: When the random drop system was implemented with the Spy/Sniper update pack there was a backlash against it due to the random nature of unlocking the newly released weapons. There was also speculation that the system could be used to dole out randomized items in the fashion of Diablo and other RPGs. While the ability to unlock the new weapons through achievements satiated the hardcore players, did the backlash negate any such plans to expand the random drop system or is the current implementation and the help it gives new players all that was intended?

A: I think we've learned that the random drop system is only good for some types of things, like the rare cosmetic hats. It's good for delivering items to newer players over time, so they're not swamped with choices when they're starting out, and they're not required to grind achievements to get them once they reach the point where they want to start making strategic choices. For competitive players, it's obviously a bad way to deliver items. At the very least, future packs will allow you to use achievements to get the new items, but we might move to a mode where we just give them to you. As part of our goal of supporting tournaments more, I think we'll probably add better tools for them to control exactly what players can & can't use within matches.
Yeah I read that before, although clearly I forgot to make a thread about it Innocent

I was particularly happy to read:


Q: Obviously a large focus of TF2 and the best way for new players to get involved with the game are the Public servers. These servers usually swing towards easy to understand maps that accommodate large player counts, such as: Dustbowl, Gold Rush, Badwater Basin, 2Fort, and Pipeline. With the vast majority of competitive TF2 matches being played using a 6v6 setup on CP maps such as Badlands, Granary, Well and smaller custom maps, how has this dichotomy affected the map making philosophy of the TF2 design team?

A: The quick summary is that it makes us less efficient, because it almost forces us to divide our workload up into work for each group. It's also disappointing that a couple of our most popular public game modes (Dustbowl style Attack/Defense, and Payload) don't really work at all with small team sizes. Still, we're optimistic as always, and are trying to tackle some of the problems that cause this split. We've got a map where we're trying out areas that modify themselves based on the number of players in the game, in the hopes that both public & competitive players can use it. We've got another new Attack/Defense map that's aimed at shorter, fixed time limit so that competitive teams can play a full round of it within the same timeframe that they play a 5 point CP match currently (unlike Dustbowl/Payload where matches could take over an hour). And we're got new 5 point CP & CTF maps in the works that we know will work for everyone.

So that's 4 maps in the works! Grin That's so awesome! I'm really happy to see that valve are still putting so much work into the game even a year and a half after release Grin
hurray Grin go valve go ! Party

Edited by fefe on 23-07-2009 14:52


Spaceboy wrote:
I'm really happy to see that valve are still putting so much work into the game even a year and a half after release Grin

If only we could say the same for another of one their games 9 months after release.
5 new maps sounds good Smile
It's actually 24 maps. 4 of the campaigns will have 5 maps each and the swamp one will only have 4 apparently.
Cpt Obvious
aaand he was talking about tf2


We've got a map where we're trying out areas that modify themselves based on the number of players in the game

sounds cool!
Cpt Obvious


Alecom wrote:


We've got a map where we're trying out areas that modify themselves based on the number of players in the game

sounds cool!

I hope it involves trains.


Alecom wrote:
We've got a map where we're trying out areas that modify themselves based on the number of players in the game

sounds cool!

Cpt Obvious wrote:
I hope it involves trains.

many trains Devil

Edited by fefe on 24-07-2009 11:22


We've got a map where we're trying out areas that modify themselves based on the number of players in the game

Sounds something similar to one of the features meant for L4D which will hopefully be arriving in L4D2. It would be an interesting feature.
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