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2nd try & scout loses his bat!
I listened to what you said about facial expressions and what about these..

scout is looking for his bat?
I like the framing of the first one best, it's slightly off centre but the medic's expression is really good so it's nice to have that big enough so that you can actually make it out Smile
lol i was wondering what he was doing with the bat Drunk

awesome face expressions N1 Smile


Raven wrote:
lol i was wondering what he was doing with the bat Drunk

awesome face expressions N1 Smile

My exact thoughts, remember the scout unlock? Pfft
Rofl teh cake
I was like "Huh, what the fuck, that picture sucks even more than his first one, why is the medic looking like he's taking a shit?".

And then I saw it.


Yeah, scout looks way better now, you get everything what he's trying to express, the hands, showing that his bat is that big, very good idea. His elbows look a little bit gay, because they are so close to his body, but meh, now I'm being too sensible.
But the medic... his face doesn't fit to the situation. Imagine you are the medic, putting the scouts bat in your ass, while he's next to you asking where it is. I would say you'd hide the expression of happiness you are experiencing in that moment. And his feet, they don't really fit, they spread a little bit too much. His stance is looking good imo, he really looks like he's putting something in his ass, that's how I look like....I mean, I don't put things put my ass, I only scrape my butt a little bit with my finger when it itches, yeah, that's how I would look like.

You have made a huge step, this picture's looking way better, you listened to the advices Naughty gave, well done. I'd give this picture a B-, because of the "When you see it, you'll shit bricks" effect with the bat, because I didn't see it. Keep the good work up.
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