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Recommend me an ISP
Soo, theres been far too many problems with my line (which admittedly is probably bt's fault) but then two things happened. I went and bought a shiny new router in the hopes it would be better and found that it doesn't support PPPoA which is what my current uses. Then about 2 weeks ago plusnet suddenly started blocking my torrent downloads. *grumble*
Anyone recommend one that does neither and has decent customer service?
Don Pedro
be is good if you can get it. only problems i've had are very occasional and quickly dealt with, good speed as well
im on zen they are cool
id strongly suggest BE as well


They dont have super coverage so its bad luck if they arent active on your exchange but if they are then its a really very good service for gamers.
I'm with plusnet and have no problems, which package u on?

I thought most routers did PPPoA

i have Broadband Pro works ok for me even though i'm miles from my exchange.

*edit* there is a firewall with some of the packages could it be that?

Edited by gori11a on 14-09-2008 13:02

if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
BE are good. The only problems I've had is that their servers have gone down a couple of times. But that's only, like, within the past 6 months.

The router they sent isn't the best (speedtouch with a be* sticker on it), but you get used to it. Otherwise, they're great.
wasnt be bought by o2?
Ok, thanks.
Yeah, the router I got was really just an impulse buy as it was far cheaper than it should have been but turned out I can't use it. Was better wireless quality which was what I thought I needed before Fionny cured it for me Pfft
I'll have a look at those others anyway, we're not on a good plusnet service and its really expensive compared to what we get if I recall correctly.
Any Entanet reseller is ace - Vivaciti, is who I'm with.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
I'm with entanet and they've been abit shitty. ADSL24.

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".


Locke wrote:
I'm with entanet and they've been abit shitty. ADSL24.

Really? I've been with mine for a year - no problems whatsoever.

I had one minor problem on handover from the previous supplier - they explained everything in laymans language regarding the potential problems and solutions. All fixed in the morning.

There's no lock-in contract either. If I want my MAC, I can have it now, potentially.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Ok they're excused, torrents randomly started working last night Wink
What with a downtime in switching service I think I'll put up with them.
glad its sorted m8Smile, maybe you had gone over yr usage
if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
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