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Media player overlay
Does anyone know if there's an overlay like Steam Overlay so that it's possible to change tracks / pause your music without minising back down to desktop.

I use WinAmp or WMP atm,

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
For winamp...I don't know of an overlay for the gui, but that would mean you would have to use the mouse anyway.
You should be able to use "global hotkeys" to set up all the basic functions, play, rewind, back, next etc . It has to be enabled though by going to preferences (ctrl p) , then clicking the global prefs option on the left. There is a global hotkey action to bring the ui to the front, tho I doubt this will overlay over a 3d game,

Edited by ShiftyJaffa on 22-06-2008 17:18

i heard u can type something in console and play mps thru steam overlay i think
winamp > options > always on top

worked for me, but my keyboard has multimedia keys on it so i dont need to that anymore
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