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DoD:S gets achievements
Day Of Defeat: Source will soon be moving to the Episode 2 engine. It will also be getting new maps and achievements.

Got my details from
You can get the beta using hlds updater and instuctions from that page Grin.
Pretty cool, nice to see valve updating it.
A matter of time before CSS achievements?

Still not enough to make me go back to DODSick unfortunately Sad
its the orangebox engine look for the servers there are a few already up..

CSS 2007 is also appearing .. but we await the content via the hldsupdatetool

I can't wait for the custom tab to have its devasting impact on the rest of the source community so Valve get screamed at again. They may actully have to do something about it once it comes to css servers.

There are very few servers that wouldn't be considered custom by valves rules...

Edited by sick-lizard on 23-05-2008 17:47

I used to play DoDSick ages ago, went back to it the other week and I'd forgotten how much recoil you get
The beta is out properly now, if you've got DoDSick it will be at the bottom of you're games list.
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