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x-box wi-fi
i got a mate(well his son really) who wants to buy a wi-fi adapter for his x-box 360. he was wondering if there was much of a choice out there(he'd rather spend £40 or so), or whether he should just plumb for microsoft's own brand gizmo? he asked me but i know squat about it, anyone got any advice?
Chill =]
If he doesnt mind doing a little bit of DIY (and by DIY, dont be put off, its simple as you can see from the link)
You can make your own for very cheap. Probably looking at around less than the £40 you were looking at.

Other alternatives are:

cheers mr breckles, will forward that little lot.
Chill =]
No problem.
Ill have a thik about some more stuff when im back from work.
Ill post em up this evening.
lol wish i knew earlier lol spent 60 on microsoft onw brand but it does the job with no issues lol Giggleol:
lol reita, i'd've done the same geez. it was just that i knew a few of you guys had 360s and i wondered if you had any tips or recommendations.
i know nothing about any of it to be honest, but looking into it all this morning there seems to be a huge price range (from £20-£120), for stuff that does the same kinda thing... but then i am a gibbon of very little brain and do confuse easily.
Chill =]
Yeah i have to give it to the microsoft brand i havent had any problems with it an no faults yet just the price tag ><
Thats what everybody finds.
The Microsoft one works a treat, but it's the price tag that kills it.
MY friend bought a solution (much like the router in the link) when he first bought his 360. IT worked without a hiccup since. The advantage is that you can also plug other things into it, saving another purchase later on (if needed).

Similar to the one i used on my old xbox. Just plugs into the ethernet port
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