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woot got my uni offers
I have offers from durham, oxford, leicester and bristol.

Now I just need to get the grades...
Awesome! What course/requirements?
Archaeology & Anthropology.
Oxford is AAA, Durham BBB, the other are points which equate to about four D's.
Heh quite varied offers eh Pfft Whats your first choice? Oxford I guess?

I'm in the L6th atm, so I guess the year under you, and tbh the idea of university and choosing a career scares me shitless. I'm doing the ib though, so any time I'm not working I'm probably playing tf2, so I can avoid thinking about it haha. Procrastination ftw.
ib? You should probably think about it, application time sneaks up on you fast
LoL! Can you explain me how work joining unis system there??

Edited by CenTinela on 13-02-2008 20:45

Well, you can apply to up to five about a year and half before you go. You send your grades and stuff, and sometimes there's an interview. Then you either get rejected or they'll send you an offer conditional on getting certain A-Level grades (which are two-year courses, at the end of high-school, and are optional - most people do three or four). You can then accept two offers, a firm and an insurance. When you get your grades, if you can, you go to one of them. If not there's another system.
that's route A. When I applied you could only apply to three on route B. :no:
Congrats mate, I got an offer from Oxford when I was doing my UCAS as well, but I turned them down and went to Bristol, based on the fact that when I went for my interview all the people I met were toffs....hahaha Grin

They weren't best pleased with me Pfft

Edited by FuZz on 14-02-2008 13:16
I know what you mean, I didn't like it very much when I went to my interview either... far too many posh southerners. So I'm going to go up to Durham next month before I make my mind up.
speaking as a posh southerner (Pfft) id have loved to have gone to ox or cambs. That said Id highly recommend Cardiff to all you potential undergrads out there. Cardiff was so good a place to live that i was sharing a house with two guys who went to university in Swansea and latre one who was at Newport.

Its gotta be a pretty good place to live when students at university in another city or town want to live in cardiff.

(an no there arent any sheep walking in the streets before anyone asks)
Bristol gets the thumbs up from me, great uni, and great city too Smile


(an no there arent any sheep walking in the streets before anyone asks)

No, well they're all inside aren't they...
Clever Idiot
Aye bristol does rock as a city , alot of people who went to uni end up goping to london for abit to pay off there uni debt. But come back to bristol to work and live, i came to live here becasue i was feed up of the dark and wet north, i love sun to much to live up north any more Smile.
Bristol does indeed Rock.. would avoid any such place whilst at uni.. student unions are distracting enough without living in party town! (I flunked out of uni after 2 years & wasted an unconditional offer! mind you the IT they were trying to teach was complete BS)

Good Luck Mega!
*posh southerner here*

I think I may apply to oxbridge, over 1/5 of pupils from my school go there... but I'm not sure I want the workload.

Durham, warwick, lse, and nottingham sound quite good


cold wrote:
*posh southerner here*

I think I may apply to oxbridge, over 1/5 of pupils from my school go there... but I'm not sure I want the workload.

Durham, warwick, lse, and nottingham sound quite good

You will still need the grades, old school tie's don't automatically get you into oxbridge Smile Some of the best run courses can be in some random uni's depends on what floats your boat when you get your grubby mits on the uni prospectus Smile
Hey there is always mcdonald's

Pretty much assured 4 As at A Level Smile And yes, I have good GCSEs to match Smile

School average is AAAB Smile
Thanks sick.

1/5th go to oxbridge? Wow, only two from my year got an offer (including me).

Edited by Megalomania on 14-02-2008 19:24
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