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League of Legends
Exxy |
Posted on 21-09-2010 07:30
Posts: 266 Joined: 10.12.09 |
YouTube Video Hey, what a suprise. She's just as crap as I thought she would be. |
Page |
Posted on 21-09-2010 11:07
Posts: 117 Joined: 18.10.08 |
http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/s...hp?t=42514 New Skins in the Store * Muse Sona * Pentakill Sona * Pentakill Mordekaiser * King Tryndamere * Queen Ashe PVP.net v1.19.14 * Users who are Level 30 will now be blocked from buying XP boosts from the Store, as they cannot earn further XP * Improved the matchmaking algorithm to match more effectively * Added a ticker to PVP.net to provide helpful information regarding the current server status * Fixed a bug where users could get non-functioning ban buttons for a Practice Game they were not the owner of * Fixed a bug where users were not properly notified if they searched for an invalid Summoner Name * Fixed a bug where the wrong map images would display in Practice Game lobbies * Fixed a bug where renaming Rune Pages would not show up properly in Champion Selection * Fixed a bug with the Rune Combiner tooltips * Fixed a bug with viewing other users' Rune Books * Fixed a bug where Bots could not be removed if a Practice Game changed ownership * Fixed a bug where users in chat rooms were not showing up in the Invite Screen * Fixed a bug where the Chat Room button was slightly misaligned League of Legends v1.0.0.101 Sona, the Maven of the Strings * Hymn of Valor: Sona plays the Hymn of Valor, granting nearby allied champions bonus Damage and Ability Power. Additionally, casting this ability sends out bolts of sound, dealing magic damage to the nearest two enemy champions or monsters. * Aria of Perseverance: Sona plays the Aria of Perseverance, granting nearby allied champions bonus Armor and Magic Resist. Additionally, casting this ability sends out healing melodies, healing Sona and a nearby wounded ally. * Song of Celerity: Sona plays the Song of Celerity, granting nearby allied champions bonus Movement Speed. Additionally, casting this ability energizes nearby allies with a burst of speed. * Crescendo (Ultimate): Sona plays her ultimate chord, forcing enemy champions to dance, taking magic damage over time. * Power Chord (passive): After casting 3 spells, Sona's next attack deals bonus magic damage. Additionally, Sona's Auras persist for 3 seconds after deactivating and set off a 2 second global cooldown. Blitzcrank * Power Fist now resets the auto-attack timer Fiddlesticks * Terrify will now grant assists Garen * Courage damage reduction reduced to 30% from 35% * Perseverance is no longer removed by combat dehancing effects such as Warwick's Blood Scent * Fixed various bugs that caused Garen's Demacian Justice to fizzle sometimes Gragas * Explosive Cask now interacts properly with spell shields like Banshee's Veil Jax * Counterstrike now has a buff that shows the duration of the effect Karthus * Death Defied (passive) has been remade to fix some of the bugs and usability issues * Death Defied now also grants 20% death timer reduction to compensate for the 8 seconds Karthus is active after dying Kennen * Lightning Rush is no longer castable while disabled Kassadin * Netherblade mana cost reduced to 25 from 30/40/50/60/70 * Riftwalk no longer shows cast particles over fog of war * Riftwalk now leaves a buff showing the duration of the increased cost and damage of subsequent casts Katarina * Shunpo no longer ignores enemy spell shields like Banshee's Veil * Killer Instinct no longer reduces true damage when used with Shunpo Kog'Maw * Fixed a bug where Caustic Spittle was giving multiplicative attack speed rather than base Rammus * Defensive Ball Curl can now be cancelled Shaco * Fixed a bug where Jack in the Box fearing enemies didn't grant an assist Singed * Fling now deals damage at the start of the spell rather than when the target hits the ground Taric * Radiance now has a brief cooldown when activated with the goal of preventing quick cancellation after initiation Twitch * The first attack after breaking stealth will now benefit from the bonus attack speed of Ambush * Ambush will now provide its attack speed bonus if you break stealth by casting a spell Vladimir * Fixed a bug where Transfusion was not restoring enough health from Spell Vamp (not how much the spell heals normally) * Fixed a bug where Transfusion's tooltip showed it restoring less health than it did * Crimson Pact (passive) no longer heals Vladimir when his Ability Power increases Zilean * Chronoshift duration reduced to 13 seconds from 15 * Chronoshift cooldown increased to 180 seconds at all levels from 180/160/140 seconds Summoner Spells * Ghost movement speed increase reduced to 27% from 32% * Haste utility mastery movement speed increase reduced to 6% from 8% Items * Sheen proc damage raised to 100% from 80% * Trinity Force proc damage raised to 150% from 130% * Manamune o Combine cost increased to 700. Total cost is now 2110. o Unique passive conversion percent dropped to 1.5% from 2% o Unique passive changed to: Each time you attack, you gain one maximum mana (3 second cooldown.) Each time you use an ability, you gain four maximum mana (3 second cooldown.) Bonus caps at 1000. * Innervating Locket (remake) o Combine cost reduced to 450 from 850. New total cost is 2250. o +430 Health o +450 Mana o Unique Aura: Nearby allies gain 20 hp/5 and 9 mp/5. o Unique Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 10% o Unique Passive: When you cast a spell, you regenerate 50 health and 20 mana over 2 seconds. This effect has a 3 second cooldown and no longer affects allies. * New Item: Kindlegem o Recipe consists of Ruby Crystal + 425 gold o +200 Health o UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 10% * New Item: Shurelya's Reverie o Recipe consists of Kindlegem + Philosopher's Stone + 500 gold o +330 Health o +25 Health Regen per 5 sec o +12 Mana Regen per 5 sec o UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 15% o UNIQUE Active: Nearby champions gain 40% movement speed for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown) * Rejuvenation Bead no longer lists as building into Spirit Visage * Vision Wards and Sight Wards now show their remaining duration (in seconds) in their mana bar. Both teams can see the remaining duration. * Sunfire Cape no longer deals damage when held by a clone. * Boots of Mobility's effect is no longer removed by combat dehancers such as Warwick's Blood Scent General * Fixed a bug where some knock up and knock away spells failed to interrupt enemy channeled spells * Fixed a bug where Summoner Teleport refreshed your W slot's cooldown when used * Fixed a bug where the aggro outline was not appearing * Disconnected players will now run home if their Blue Pill is interrupted * Disconnected players now gain 1000 Magic Resist after 1 minute of continuous disconnection * The Dragon on Twisted Treeline no longer grants his buff to dead allied champions * The Dragon buff on Twisted Treeline now has a proper cooldown timer * Decreased loading time by up to 30% depending on the hardware * Fixed several client crashes |
Undead2k |
Posted on 21-09-2010 11:42
Posts: 667 Joined: 25.08.08 |
Quote Disconnected players now gain 1000 Magic Resist after 1 minute of continuous disconnection Damn, I was hoping that would never happen. No more base farming off disconnected players with Karthus. :X Glad Kog'Maw wasn't changed. Loving AD Kog now, especially after getting 22/2/12 in a game :3 |
tomregev |
Posted on 21-09-2010 12:34
Posts: 1021 Joined: 26.06.08 |
R.I.P Manamune, we hardly knew ye. |
Cpt Obvious |
Posted on 21-09-2010 13:59
Posts: 1167 Joined: 12.04.08 |
Not a RIP, its called balancing. It was simply too good for a low price. |
tomregev |
Posted on 21-09-2010 15:24
Posts: 1021 Joined: 26.06.08 |
Have they raised the price it would be cool, have they changed the passive but kept the price it would be good, but both is a deathblow.
Edited by tomregev on 21-09-2010 15:30 |
Cpt Obvious |
Posted on 21-09-2010 18:12
Posts: 1167 Joined: 12.04.08 |
Sona is only 3150, will be a pain to get to play her the first few days. edit: also Sonabot is available in practice. Edited by Cpt Obvious on 21-09-2010 19:24 |
Rofl teh cake |
Posted on 22-09-2010 11:26
Posts: 977 Joined: 08.05.08 |
4chan already deems her OP, she assists great, therefore she gets assists very easily. Combined with the Mejais, she gets balls to the walls ouch. Her buffs are just being way too strong, put her on a lane with a carry and there you go. She can babysit, help escape and even initiate with her ultimate. Those are going to be some horrible post patch weeks :/ |
tomregev |
Posted on 22-09-2010 12:52
Posts: 1021 Joined: 26.06.08 |
So just like Janna? |
Rofl teh cake |
Posted on 22-09-2010 14:26
Posts: 977 Joined: 08.05.08 |
Worse, really, see for yourself. She outsupports Janna, since she buffs the whole team and not only one person with her shield. And dat ult. Dat fukken ult. |
Cpt Obvious |
Posted on 23-09-2010 13:01
Posts: 1167 Joined: 12.04.08 |
Sona era tierlist: Tier 1: Kog'Maw, Amumu, Vladimir, Garen, Taric, Morgana, Shen, Warwick, Tristana Tier 2: Miss Fortune, Kennen, Annie, Kassadin, Galio, Xin Zhao, Sona, Janna, Udyr, Ashe, Twitch, Ezreal, Olaf, Anivia, Shaco, Sion, Pantheon Tier 3: Nidalee, Heimerdinger, Corki, Veigar, Zilean, Poppy, Rammus, Nasus, Kayle, Gragas, Twisted Fate, Singed, Akali, Mordekaiser, Yi, Nunu, Karthus. Tier 4: Sivir, Fiddlesticks, Malphite, Soraka, Blitzcrank, Gangplank. Hard to place on a team: Jax, Katarina, Alistar, Ryze, Urgot, Eve, Teemo, Mal'zahar, Tryndamere, Cho'Gath, Mundo *-----* CHANGE LOG *-----* Xin moved up slightly in tier 2 - People moved down so naturally he moved up kekeke. Kayle moved down to tier 3 - Out shined and the meta has really shifted away from heal comps. She requires too much farm to be truly viable in every game now. Still a good carry but not as good as others. Ezreal moved down to tier 2 - Mmm you guys were right imo. He's being out shined a lot by other carries now who simply do the job better. He can't keep up with other carry's it seems. Rammus moved down to tier 3 - Tier 2 was too high for him. He's not that much of a priority pick and I still wouldn't take him over a lot of other tanks.. BUT not to say that he's bad but he just isn't as good as other tanks is all. Nidalee moved down to the top of tier 3 - Same thing as Rammus. Placed too high imo. She's still good but tier 2 is just not her tier. She's a tier 3 champion that can shine in certain situations is all that made me think she was better then she was. Warwick moved to tier 1 - 2nd best competitive jungler in the game imo. He's fast and he controls it well. Suppression really pushed him to tier 1 and he's just a great overall champion. Tristana moved up to tier 1 - 2nd best competitive carry in the game imo. Her basic range is insane with a snowballing ability in a team fight (her rocket jump) combined with a steroid AS boost and a big nuke to finish and or blow someone out of a team fight. She's just fantastic. All around great champion. Nasus moved down to tier 3 - Being out shined man. That's about it. Galio in a side lane or Shen just offers much more then he does. Twitch moved up to tier 2 - Twitch hurts people.. Badly.. So badly that they die very quickly. If he wasn't so squishy then he'd be beyond tier 1 godly but since he is tier 2 is where he's going to go. Stealth + AoE slow & burst damage + 2x AS steroid..? GG. Galio moved up to tier 2 - Amazing side lane tank. Farms so well and can poke well too. His R is just a weaker Amumu ulti imo. Great champ and has gone under my radar for far too long. Corki moved up in tier 3 - He's impressing me more and more. The buffs helped a lot. Sona to tier 2 - ! - She's quite the beast early game and by quite the beast I mean sure rules the battlefield for the first 15 mins of the game hands down. After that she really goes downhill and her DPS really isn't that good anymore. Her heals are random so you can't put it on the carry if you wanted to top them off which is kind of annoying. Her speed buff is a persistant Sivir ulti which is awesome and her ulti is just a big AoE 1.5 stun which is sick and can really be a team fight winner imo. Heimerdinger moved up in tier 3 - He's also been impressing me as of late. He still farms INSANNNNNNELY which = rockets and nades hurt like a ***** + turret DPS is redonkulous as well. Tough little bugger to deal with. Still 100% viable. Alistar moved down to Hard to place on a team - Heal comps are pretty much out. His dps is extremely poor compared to other tanks. His farming ability is very poor. His CC is pretty lack luster as well compared to other tanks. I feel he's like tank Fiddlesticks who's even more useless when my CD's are up. I just don't see him as a viable tank in competitive play anymore. Ryze moved down to Hard to place on a team - There's like 10 or so very viable casters. So much more viable then Ryze. There's just no way in hell I'd ever pick him competitively. He's got Kennen syndrome without the CC and speed/survivability that makes Kennen viable. He simply has to get too close to be useful in a team fight which to me isn't what a caster should be doing. Should be sitting back blowing people up from a safe distance not running in beside the tank to get murdered especially when he has zero survivability. edit: bonus content. http://www.youtub...8ZensTnIXw Edited by Cpt Obvious on 23-09-2010 13:06 |
Cpt Obvious |
Posted on 23-09-2010 20:27
Posts: 1167 Joined: 12.04.08 |
Get your IP boosts. http://grid.alien...lol-boost/ |
fefe |
Posted on 23-09-2010 21:25
Posts: 552 Joined: 15.06.08 |
isn't that only for US ?
Cpt Obvious |
Posted on 23-09-2010 21:36
Posts: 1167 Joined: 12.04.08 |
Nope, i have the boost enabled now. |
wolflordandy |
Posted on 24-09-2010 15:34
Posts: 477 Joined: 19.07.08 |
Same |
spaceboy |
Posted on 25-09-2010 15:43
Posts: 1179 Joined: 06.05.08 |
Dunno if anyone knew about this! In summary Valve hired the remaining head DotA modder back in late 2009, they've recently trademarked (or at least tried to, not sure if it went through) the DotA name, and John St. John (the voice of Duke Nukem) has done some voice acting for the project which sounds pretty far along. So yeah, looks like HoN/LoL will at some point have a Valve produced tower defence game as competition! Sounds like sexy news to me given how much respect I (and I'm sure pretty much everyone else on these forums) have for Valve I wonder what kinda monetisation model they'll try to use given that in LoL (and I guess the original DotA still) they'll be competing against a game that's free to play and has already snagged a large user base. Interesting stuff Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Rofl teh cake |
Posted on 25-09-2010 15:55
Posts: 977 Joined: 08.05.08 |
New Champion has been announced, Swain is the name, I'mma try and hunt for infos, everything about him has already been leaked, lore, skills and whatnot. Stay tuned :> |
tomregev |
Posted on 25-09-2010 16:47
Posts: 1021 Joined: 26.06.08 |
He's a mage with lots of dot spells, also he uses crows and turns into one. Fiddles finally has a friend :3 |
spaceboy |
Posted on 25-09-2010 16:53
Posts: 1179 Joined: 06.05.08 |
He sounds RIGHT up my alley He's got a slow.. and a root.. and I love dots.. and he turns into a raven demon thingy (not a crow ) I don't usually buy champions straight away when they're released but I'm totally getting this guy! Need to start saving my ips!
Edited by spaceboy on 25-09-2010 17:15 Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Rofl teh cake |
Posted on 25-09-2010 17:34
Posts: 977 Joined: 08.05.08 |
http://lol-game.ru/forum/index.php?/t...tactician/ Here we gooooooo~ |
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