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League of Legends
nice I think you can get them for ip .. but probably also for rp
According to the patch notes thread:


Its up now!

Runes pages are 590 RP Each OR 6300 IP.

7 for 2600 RP (no IP prices for the pack)!

Fuck me that's a lot for something that should be free Frown
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
6300 for one page o.0
Cpt Obvious
"Don't like it, don't buy it"
-Riot's business model.

Oh and Galio is 6300, the most expensive tank in the game.

Edited by tomregev on 11-08-2010 00:25

looks like your little hobby is burning a hole in all of your pockets! Grin that'll teach you heretics! Pfft

Edited by Masson on 11-08-2010 01:29

Cpt Obvious
Only if we want it to.

Anyways here are a lot of new chinese art, fanservice ahoy!

Sexy Nidalee/Ashe cosplay ahoy!

Edited by spaceboy on 12-08-2010 13:45

Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Rofl teh cake
Imo Galio and all those AoE Ultimates are way too gamebreaking.
Nearly every has an AoE ulti right now and with Galio's AoE taunt, which keeps you distracted for a long time, too much dmg can be done by other heroes.
Played a round against fiddlesticks, nunu, pantheon, amumu and Galio.
What the fuck man, what the fuck. Really pisses me off. I mean those AoE combinations have been bad enough, but you were somewhat able to cancel those, even when Amumu was there. But now with Galio, it's gamebreaking.
It's just another flavor of the month that will go away in a week in favor of some other bullshit. In the mean time you can play Nidalee and completely nullify them as aoe teams can't stop backdoors.

Edit: Also Galio's ult is cleansable and only taunts once, had lots of fun with jax cleansing and then stunning him out of it, Xin's knockup also works.

Edited by tomregev on 12-08-2010 16:32

Cpt Obvious
Galios ulti is hardly gamebreaking, its as "op" as amumus one.
You can simply cleanse and interrupt or stay out of range and interrupt with some ranged stuff.
In dps heavy teams, his ulti is actually a death sentence. In teamfights at end game, if the enemy dps has any armour penertrating stuff they eat him alive. Tho some of his other abilities seem pretty funky, like the ally shield and the speed buff hurricane thing!

I'm now in love with vlad tho, 13/5/13 game with him, only lost due to it being 4v5 from the start! Sad
Cpt Obvious
Thats why you get guardian angel after boots and chalice.
Except 90% of Galios are retards who build either pure AP or pure MR and wonder why they can't tank anything.


Spaceboy wrote:
Sexy Nidalee/Ashe cosplay ahoy!

I see this and raise you a shaco

Edited by tomregev on 13-08-2010 16:08

Cpt Obvious
403 forbidden Tom.
Some random future patch note things from the leaguecraft forums.. no idea if any of this will happen but it's interesting nonetheless Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Cpt Obvious
Yeh heard people talk about that list elsewhere so pretty sure its in test realm now.
Kogmaw is no longer a mage, Kennen might leave Evelynn tier soon and Malphite got nicely buffed.
It's not like ap kog was ruined, ad/hybrid just got a buff. I'll probably still build him ap unless the other team has lots of hp.

Edited by tomregev on 14-08-2010 12:34

Yeah I think those changes look pretty great Grin Kennen's still gonna have a bit of a problem with cc's when he has to rush into a group with lightning rush but at least he'll have a chance now if he can avoid them and doesn't have to worry about all the many many slows in the game.. and his ultimate will actually be worthwhile Smile

Hybrid/AS Kogmaw should be pretty great with those changes too... I mean with full cooldown reduction you could get bio-arcane barrage down to what? 9 seconds? .. and it lasts for 6 of them. Gonna be a nightmare for the enemy tanks Smile

If these changes happen I'd be tempted to buy both of those guys Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
I already love playing Kennen, this will make it so much easier to play him! After his original release he did get gimped abit by a few nerfs Grin

Never really enjoyed Kog Maw that much, but will give him a go, certainly Hybrid build on him looks to now be pretty good. Especially for his ulti!
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