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League of Legends
Passive - Crimson Pact
Every 18 points of bonus health gives Vladimir 1 ability power and every 1 point of ability power gives Vladimir 3 bonus health (does not stack with itself).

Q - Transfusion
No Cost
8/7/6/5/4 Cooldown
Vladimir drains the lifeforce of his target, dealing 70/120/150/180/210 (+0.65AP) magic damage and healing himself for 25% (+0.35AP) of that amount.

W - Sanguine Pool
Costs 15% Health
22/19/16/13/10 Cooldown
Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2.5 seconds, becoming untargetable and slowing enemies above him by 26/32/38/44/50%.
Vladimir deals 60/120/180/240/300 (+10% of Vladimir's bonus Health) magic damage over the duration and heals himself for 15% of that amount.

E - Tides of Blood
Costs 60/80/100/120/140 Health
8 Cooldown
Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood on surrounding units, dealing 60/115/170/225/280 (+0.65AP) magic damage to enemies and healing allies by 30/57.5/85/112.5/140 (+0.35AP).

R - Hemoplague
Costs 15% Health
120 Cooldown
Vladimir infects the target area with a virulent plague which periodically spreads to nearby enemies and increases the damage they take by 12/16/20% for 5 seconds.
After 5 seconds, infected enemies take 250/350/450 (+0.8AP) magic damage.
(This unit is taking additional damage and is spreading Hemoplague.)
(This unit is immune to the Hemoplague.)
Remember how EZ's flux was op because of its healing? Lets do the same thing with a guy that has no mana and low cooldowns.

Edited by tomregev on 22-07-2010 00:05

Yeah, doesn't sound like it's even a skill shot..just an aoe around him... I guess from the wording it doesn't heal him at all though, indeed it costs health, but still.. if you've got someone else to heal him that'd be a really efficient way of healing your whole team Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Cpt Obvious
New skins on test realm.

lol @ Emomu
Cpt Obvious
Vladimir the Hemomancer... sounds funny.
Also he has a very cheesy catchphrase:
"That which runs through you will run you through." -Vladimir
Wow.. Emomu is awesome Grin You could have an awesome goth team with Emomu.. Goth Annie.. Morgana.. Vladimir... and.. errrrm...oh yeah, Eve Grin Admittedly the team would suck because it had Eve in it.. but still Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
I like the monster mash team better- Amumu, Vlad, Warwick, Sion and Fiddle.
Nah, drop Sion and use Karthas Pfft
Team Manly Beards! Gragas, Zilean, Gangplank, Olaf, Udyr Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!

Notice that Emomu listens to Chogath eat world and death cab for corky.

Edited by tomregev on 24-07-2010 15:19

Awwwww, best skin ever Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Find your normal game ELO
Ha ha.. 1400.. I'm not so good at this game Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
1200. Emo Hair

Edited by alecom on 25-07-2010 20:11

Cpt Obvious
1571 Shock
I'm 1350, damn you solo queue.
1422 in my last game, tho its been fluxuating it seems... even when constantly winning?
Are you sure that's yours and not one of the people you were on a team with?
I checked mine and a friend checked mine in his logs somwhere arround 1600 Grin
Cpt Obvious
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