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L4D2 Discussion
two survivors, one charge Smile
Was worth the rape just to watch that.
Cpt Obvious
That was beautiful Masson... manly tears were shed.
Mr Waffles


Masson wrote:
two survivors, one charge Smile


tomregev wrote:
Was worth the rape just to watch that.

Was there a video posted? I can't see any link to see it.
Cpt Obvious
happened in game, masson chargered 2 people to water at Parish bridge finale.
Mr Waffles


Cpt Obvious wrote:
happened in game, masson chargered 2 people to water at Parish bridge finale.

LOL, I remember Raven got charged off the ledges in Dead Center map 1 in a Team VS game.
that was bad times Shock
Mr Waffles
The only two things I am a bit annoyed at L4D2 is the minimal use of dynamic/random/alternate paths in the maps and changing weather conditions. Valve claimed there would be dynamic paths and weather condition which make it a new experience every time you play were standout features of L4D2 for me.

I know the reason they didn't enable storm weather to randomly appear in every map was becasue it won't make the Hard Rain campaign unique anymore but I stil would have liked maybe fog/light rain/hail being able to appear in any campaign.Also there should be more dynamic paths in the maps.

Edited by Mr Waffles on 24-11-2009 13:42

Hammered scavenge mode last night with a good public team, was jolly fun won around 9 rounds in a row.

Spitter is incredibly useful for blowing up the petrol cans and i seem to find the sniper rifle incredibly useful
Mr Waffles


Raven wrote:
Hammered scavenge mode last night with a good public team, was jolly fun won around 9 rounds in a row.

Spitter is incredibly useful for blowing up the petrol cans and i seem to find the sniper rifle incredibly useful

Yeah Scavnge mode is great way to play as a zombie without having to spend 1 hour and a half on a 5 map or 4 map Versus campaign. It's short and sweet.
The new server finding system is beyond stupid, who the hell thought it's a good idea to go directly to local hosting without notification or player confirmation?
Mr Waffles


tomregev wrote:
The new server finding system is beyond stupid, who the hell thought it's a good idea to go directly to local hosting without notification or player confirmation?

Yep! It's irritaiting to be put to a local host withour even asking if you want to.
Ah what the hell, got my bonus last night and paired with the deal I may as well.

£20 sounds about right anyway.

Edited by Mike on 28-11-2009 13:15

Suddenly the game became unplayable for me, it crashes either at the moment the map loads or after about 20 minutes of gameplay if I'm lucky. No warning no error report. I tried updating my drivers, lowering my settings, verified the game files and it still won't work.Headbang
Mr Waffles


tomregev wrote:
Suddenly the game became unplayable for me, it crashes either at the moment the map loads or after about 20 minutes of gameplay if I'm lucky. No warning no error report. I tried updating my drivers, lowering my settings, verified the game files and it still won't work.Headbang

I've never had that before. Try and reinstall the game.
Did that, now it won't even start, steam opens the "completing installation" window and gets stuck on 2%.

EDIT: well after about 30 minutes of it being on 2% the game suddenly launched and it seems stable for now.

Edited by tomregev on 29-11-2009 12:50

You have to admire Valves build quality sometimes.
Cpt Obvious
A pretty nice L4D2 "frag" video
YouTube Video
Insane molotov throw there!
Mr Waffles


Cpt Obvious wrote:
A pretty nice L4D2 "frag" video
YouTube Video

Really good im and infected work on the video.

One massive improvement in L4D2 is the reduced camping due to the rolling crescendoes or scavenege style finales along with the Spitter or Charger. In L4D1, every crescendoe was reduced to a dull corner camping event but in L4D2 the crescendoes actually make you move. It's so much mroe fun now with camping now rendered an ineffective tactic. I can't see how I can go back to the L4D1 after playing L4D2 a lot. Only DLC for L4D1 will get me back into it.
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