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Its back!
"Smoke me a kipper!..."
Its not a new series, its a feature length 2 part special. As far as I was aware anyway...

KRYTEN: They've taken Mr. Rimmer. Sir! They've taken Mr. Rimmer!
CAT: Quick, let's get out of here before they bring him back!

3 parter starts tonight Smile Smoke me a kipper! I'll be back for Breakfast!
Defo gonna watch it Smile
You brits and your dry sense of humour Pfft
Sooooooo...... was it just me or was that unmitigated shite?
I only laughed in the diving bell, but then I didn't expect 5 stars! Chris Barrie and Bobby Lewellen are the only ones that helped push it through - Craig Charles and the Cat sounded tired and...well...old.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
i kinda of thought it was part of the story.. tired of nine years of same shit and warmed to it more towards the end & was glad they didn't go gagtastic
Got it recorded so dont tell me the ending Drunk
I'm going to hold back on an I told you so rant until after I have seen them all, but it does seem to be coming. Frown
Mr G
Just watched it Smile was great to see the cast back together again if not a few years worse for wear Devil and some great lines and over all looking pretty cool.

Thank god for who ever said no to the canned laughter, which in the other seasons drove me insane. Dont need prompting to laugh at a line its funny or its not or if you miss it then its great bonus next time around Smile

bring on the next two Smile
militant camel
I've watched the first two episodes and have to say I feel it's really poor. They've managed to make Hyperdrive look good. Shock
I miss the laugh track to be honest..
Did think it was mostly poor, the ending was rushed but worked out quite well though Grin
it was about 50/50 for me i liked it but i loved the orginals Frown
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