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L4d best infected soundpack ever.
Rofl teh cake
Nah, that one is just annoying, not even in a good way.
A collection of some sound/skin packs:
The Johnny Bravo tank is my favorite.
Cpt Obvious
great find there tom. and yes johnny bravo is awesome.
I want those scout zombies! Rock

"Spah dispensing mah heavy!"
I downloaded some snes soundtracks and replaced some l4d music. The smoker/hunter terror music I replaced with that Yoshi's island music in the video (whoever thought that up was brilliant).
The "death" music when you die I replaced with the underwater theme from Donkey Kong Country and the tank music I replaced with the Big Bowser battle music from the end of Yoshi's Island. Still trying to find some good snes music for the boomer and other events Grin

Edited by Mike on 14-02-2009 12:21

I'm not a huge fan of soundpacks. However, I did like the bit where the witch is replaced by Zoe - now that is scary!

Oh I also like the sound pack which replaced the witches cry with the Chris Choker guy whining about Britney Spears - as I say funny for the 1st time - fucking annoying after that.

EDIT: I also found this ammusing to watch

YouTube Video

Edited by NaughtyMe on 15-02-2009 12:50

Cpt Obvious
Macho Madness normal infected soundpack!

YouTube Video

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