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What's in the update - get ready for a spy shock
"A case with FOUR STONES in it! Not one or two or three, but four! Four stones! What the hell am I supposed to do with an empty case?"

Love fifth element


Cpt Obvious wrote:
ok its cheating time, if anyone knows the command to unlock ONLY the weapons but no other achievements please pm it to me. Smile


Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
The spy one is bad imo. Seeing a glowing ball of particles run around was fun, and anyway, a spy should still be really low on the teleporter priority list. heavyies, soldiers, medics and engineers before them at least Sad The disguise thing is just a new addition, I'm not sure why someone would disguise as their own team while fighting the enemy though.

New additions to fort and granary look major, granary - no more scout rushes, fort - actually possible to get in without a medic now

I want to hear the new demo and heavy voices personally Grin I hope they're cheers/battlecries since I automatically spam those.


Added new attack animations to most melee weapons

"Most"? Spy then, so Agrippa can't make his continual excuses Pfft
Medic for the new weaponry. Perhaps the axe so it doesnt attack when moving upwards. I quite like most of the other weapon melee animations though.

Edited by Ramini on 30-04-2008 15:38

Bleh, I'd like the weapon only unlocks. I enjoy playing as medic but getting all 36 achievements will be too much to ask.
We are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world
Atleast this gets rid of all the medic wannabes faster.

I keep seeing loads of them heal the same bloody person during setup causing neither of them to get uber. It is like its the first time they played the class even saw one medic get the pre update medic acheivementGiggleol:
For fucks sake - NOW there is a report suggesting that those who used the unlocks might find their "new found" achievements banning, so don't worry, but also, don't get too used to those weapons...and Meser, expect the noob medics again, sorry.

Apparently they are assessing the numbers of people who might have tweaked their way to the new weapons and will agree action based on that. It has been assumed that if there is an overwhelming number of tweakers...weapons will be released fully - or if it's the other way they will reset the newly acquired achievements. And fuck knows for the middle ground.

Surely all this episode has shown to Valve is that this locking of weapons to achievements is resented by a large amount of the community.

For all those I gave the codes too...I wouldn;t worry, and in an act of solidarity I will be adding them in myself when I get home.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Today has been hilarious.

When I logged in to the CI server - the CI server, god knows what regular servers are like - there were about six medics on one team and more on the other. But the medics were so bad that it wasn't a case of 'sweet, everyone has their own personal medic' - most medics were rushing solo, bonesawing and needlegunning around. Some just plain didn't heal, they just ran around with their regular needlegun and bonesaws.

At one point I saw three medics on one scout Grin

It got better throughout the day, as most of those guys left and people with at least some medic experience started playing. Critzkreig is so cool, it had me gibbering and giggling irl, ubersaw is unbelievably good but it lures you into trying to take everyone down with it, the needle gun wasn't enough to save me from a rushing pyro as advertised, but it gave me some health so I'm gonna say that's awesome too.

We need good terminology for the critzkreig. And people need to say when it activates because it's like a stealth activate, I critz'd a couple of people and they didn't do anything because they didn't realise it was on.
I swapped servers when we got to dustbowl, just didnt feel like it today. So many medics on thesecond server.

One really really good medic who was charging around massacring people with the weapons, a few people who were just saying to use the console command. (Personally I think all of those who've done that should get the achievments taken away including any actually progress they had made.)

One guy who every 2 minutes asked how to unlock the better weapons. Got an answer every time but he didnt stop.

Another who, every time he started healing someone with the critzkrieg started explaining what it was and what he wanted them to do, especially the part about trying to kill 5 people as pyro. Usually he got cut off in mid explanation by his death though so he had to start again with a new person.

I don't play medic too much but I've nearly unlocked the million point achievement Devil


Sammage wrote:
We need good terminology for the critzkreig. And people need to say when it activates because it's like a stealth activate, I critz'd a couple of people and they didn't do anything because they didn't realise it was on.

You have a optical feedback! You see flashes around you weapon.

But whats the meaning now of the levels of the weapons?
i think there is no meaning to the levels, i believe its just TF2 Fluff. As for the new uber, ive heard it being called a "cru-ber" and it seemd to make sence to most ppl (short for "Crit-uber" for those who couldnt figure it out). Admittidly it does sound like uber and might get confused, but its teh best ive heard so far imo.

Edited by agrippa on 30-04-2008 18:01

I called it "cru-ber" Grin

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
They are talking about Fifth Element the movie Fallen
I stayed up til update and played til 4:10 and got to milestone 1.

Then passed outSmile
Cpt Obvious
well i hope i was one of the more useful medics.
Also i do hope valve just gives everyone the weapons, making them require achivements will flood all servers with noobs of xx classes.
And some of us propably will never even get past the first unlockable. Sad
Agree with sir obvious Smile
They fixed the console commands to unlock the achievments!
Oh so when it suits them they can work faster than speedy gonzalez.
Naw, just when people are getting through their content faster than they'd like
We are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world
Any news on the "reverse" or "unlock for all" thing?:rol:
Mr G
[-]April 30, 2008 - Team Fortress 2 Update Released

Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Team Fortress 2 Client

Removed TF2 achievement console commands

Team Fortress 2 Server

Fixed clients being able to trigger sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo on the server

Fixed potential "nuke" exploit in rcon subsystem
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