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FAO Naughty
rule of thumb, genrally newest fastest HD as 1st drive with small system partition between 10 - 60gig, 2nd partition for data & games etc & 2nd drive pagefile & data..

if creating from new disks create all partitions within the windblows setup as if you leave until you have installed windows & carryout in disk manager you will have to re-order the drive letters ie C: will be system, then removable drives follows ie d: etc and the drives you add later will follow.. which is not worth the hassle when some installation mediums insist you use the same drive etc as the source for repairs etc & can be a bugger to fix
Thank you Sick. My brother has MSDN access, so I can pratically pick my operating system - but I only have 2 gig of Ram. Is it likely that Vista will hum along nicely with games - or should I just stick with my old XP for now and wait until I get a couple more gig?

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XP until you get 4 gig, then maybe win7, which you should be able to nick from your bro's account in rc flavour atm Smile
okely dokely thankyou for the free IT advice. He's jsut been made redundant and will lose his MSDN account in 6 months - i hope they release the fucking thing before then!

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the RC is public now
I meant the RTM Gorilla


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I am so pissed.

I have no idea why it won't work.

power supply is 550W and it works if I plug my old MB and CPU in.
Fans turn on (all of them). MB light goes on. Lights on RAM are on.

I don't remember any heat coming from the CPU thoug...I think my MB is borked before I even had a chance to try it....I....AM ......SO.....PISSED

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Mr G
removed the battery and reset the CMOS and try again on startup?

I know its a idiot check I forget at times.

Also tried swapping gfx cards and memory around?.

also try just 1 stick of ram , and then try the other stick. (pain in the arse hardware)

I got a abit MB awhile back and it would nt post with my gfx and memory setup. but put sicks-lizard branded bits and it booted first time.

x fingers dude, feel ya pain on hardware.

Edited by Mr G on 06-05-2009 11:57

Ta, MrG. It's just frustrating - I got all excited about getting on it after waiting since last Friday (this is actually my Xmas prezzie) and I'm faced with this shit....and I've got arctic silver all over my hands.

I'll let you know how I got on. I read somewhere to check that the CMOS jumpers aren't already set to reset for shipping and hence shorting out the power to the CPU

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at this point i usualy find that chopping all components in to small pieces and flushing down the toilet very calmingFrown
at this point I normally find my doorbell ringing or phone lol.. and a PC dumped for a day or two lol.

Naughty what they said plus setup outside the case, rest motherboard on non shiny cardboard or another non conductive surface, and use minimun components. ram, cpu & gfx & power.. this will eliminate shorting..

Also please note any leds lit or beep noises.. if your not getting these you psu is hosed or you missing an extra power hook up like addtional 4 or 6 pin atx..

do u have some kit you can swap in and out to test as mr g has said sometimes components are built just within spec tolarances so if one piece of kit is at other extreme edge another may bug out Sad
Even more pissed now. I did all you said, but I turned the MOBO over to remove the fan...and the bitch below reared it's head. I know it's fuzzy, but there is a copper wire which sits outside the laquer on the back. This copper wire is split in the middle...possibly the route cause of it all? If you can't see it, it's about 1/3 odf the way up the picture on the right. In anycase I have reuqested to return the MOBO...I'll keep the CPU for now as I don't think that is where the problem ever lay.

Going to watch TV now, pissd off, covered in Arctic Silver.

Happy gaming all...hopefully it will be sorted by end of next week Sad

And thank you for all the help you suggested.

Edited by NaughtyMe on 06-05-2009 21:44


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Convinced the wife thaf, fuck it, I'll buy a new motherboard.

Received a new one, but it was randomly rebooting throughout the XP installation. And now that I have managed to bully it into the XP install, it just reboots with ZP up as well.

Everything is seated correctly, the RAM is certified to be used by Asus to be used on a P5Q pro, the PSU is fine, it's wires were disconnecrted from the previous system and stuck on the new (and it's 550W) ..any ideas? I'm thinking that it's going the same way as these people:

If I change motherboard, is it likely to solve the issue - or is it down to the P45 chipset, so it wouldn't matter what card I got?


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No one can hear me scream?

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In a pub no one can here you text Grin
any beeps from the mobo?
No because in their wisdom, those Asus fucks didn't install an onboard speaker - you have to buy your own one and connect the wires - cheapo fucks.

I am RMAing this one, getting my money back and going back to Gigabyte and their Award bios.


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don't blame the mobo maker..who makes your case Grin
I'm on my second Asus board and would happily buy a third.Wink
Have used a P43 Gigabyte board for my bro's rig and it seemed good and runs fine, cool and stable with a mild overclock (he's not a gammer).
Well they fucked up on this board - if google random re-boots on Google - Asus tops the list, I have the exact same symptoms as those in that NewEgg link.

Hmm, my case is Asus....figures...

I found a nice equivalent Gigabyte board at Novatech...I can fucking drive there more waiting for Mr Parcelman...or sending off things if they go wrong! I just need this current reject to be refunded....

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