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Computer freezing
Rofl teh cake
Hai guys,

everytime I do something like watching porn on a tube-site or play flashgames on sites or even play TF2 it ocassionally happens that my pc freezes and I can't do shit. It's like I am playing a game, running around and suddenly it just freezes just like I am getting a deathcam, just like in TF2, but I can't do anything. I am forced to restart the pc then by holding the Turn off button pressed then. Anyone here having a clue what is happening?
How much RAM have you got? have you checked temperatures etc?
Rofl teh cake
It says now I got 1k ram, but I remember having 512 mb ram, it just.... turned into 1k over night o_O.

And how does I check that lol.
run MemTest if you can or insert another stick of ram to see if issues goes away Smile
Rofl teh cake
I shouldn't add more ram, because those little towers on my mother board already started leaking and changing ram would make it go boom....yeah, not allowed to change anything X). And I have googled MemTest and wat.
SpeedFan is good for monitoring temperatures and fan speed.
ok the little towers leaking is your issue, they are capacitors if they leak or bulge they will not hold charge for any length of time or discharge as they should..

Edited by sick-lizard on 09-03-2009 17:58

Turn up the heater.
Rofl teh cake
Does that mean I am fukt sick?
I forgot to mention that sometimes I just get kicked out of the game and basically everything, I get a blue screen, lots of text appearing and disappearing in a matter of seconds and after that a PC restart. When I loaded up again I get that "We are sorry for the inconvenience blabla Send Report Don't send" thing.

Edited by Rofl teh cake on 09-03-2009 18:42

Unless you happen to be a dab hand with a soldering iron, yes.
Rofl teh cake
ACH, FUCK. If I'd keep playing games, would that fuck it even more up?
just quicker.. its already dying

Edited by sick-lizard on 09-03-2009 19:26

Rofl teh cake
Didn't you make a thread about buying a new computer cake?
Cpt Obvious
Man up and upgrade or buy a new one. not that expensive to get a comp running tf2 and l4d.
Rofl teh cake
Wow, Obvious, your name is your game.

Anyways, my plan to buy a new computer last year failed because of the lack of money. THOSE NIKE DUNKS FOR 150 WERE A DISCOUNT.

Now, after birthday and finding out that I can get a discount of 19% on every PC I want, because my parents have their own business and they can get rid of the taxes that way, I will.
Cpt Obvious
i live to serve.


Rofl teh cake wrote:

Damn straight shoes are your best friend in this difficult world...Innocent
my friend had the same prob. i just changed that motherboard-bitch like it was nothing, and the pc works perfect. so get more ram (its soooo cheap), and a new MB, and you're set.
Rofl teh cake
Naaaaaaaah, I'll get a whole new rig, I can't rock the world with 3 GHZ. Besides, I don't know shit about replacing parts. X)
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