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Oooh what've they found ...

Looks like something of importance ... or have they just found Uranus again Don ?
Let's hope they don't tell us that jupiter isn't actualy a planet or something, because I'm still furious over pluto.

I'm not really. I couldn't care less Pfft

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
Ohhh think thats 5pm in uk but what have they found using X-rays and ground-based observations?


Maybe they have found the G spot? Cool
about bloody time!
Probably a rock! Smile
Or a crumb from one of their donuts on the screen
Seriously I'm betting on confirming the location of a black hole, areas with no stars can be spotted from the ground and although nothing can escape perhaps they've found some method of diffracting xrays and such.. i know little *waits to be smacked down by Agrippa*

The UK goverment also looks like its releasing files on UFOs now, for the conspircay theorists they're probably the less interesting ones Pfft
Naaa I'm guessing it's a planet/moon with liquid H2O

Yeh the MoD have released ufo files and the vatican have released a statement about the possibility of aliens created by God being a possibility...

1) SETI started up 50 years ago
2) When's the CERN LHC thing kicking off - wasn't that delayed?
3)50 years goes almost exactly back to the Sputnik era, other non-manned space-flight, and the foundation of NASA itself (29 July 1958); it predates the whole of the Apollo program.
4) laika was sent up almost exactly 50 years ago...

lots of possibilities ... but be prepared for .. oh it's a star we were looking at 50 years ago, it's over there *points* and it's still there.

Edited by Say on 14-05-2008 13:06



Ramini wrote:
Seriously I'm betting on confirming the location of a black hole, areas with no stars can be spotted from the ground and although nothing can escape perhaps they've found some method of diffracting xrays and such.. i know little *waits to be smacked down by Agrippa*

The UK goverment also looks like its releasing files on UFOs now, for the conspircay theorists they're probably the less interesting ones Pfft

True nothing can escape black holes - once it has passed the event horizon. However, as objects fall into a black hole they lose their gravitational energy which may result in them emitting radiation. Which is what can be detected.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu


Say wrote:
Naaa I'm guessing it's a planet/moon with liquid H2O


The method for detecting possible habitable planets is more difficult - they never say that it definitely has water.

The best technique comes with major disadvantages - primarily, you need the planet between you and the start it's orbiting.

The method works by analysing the light spectrum as it passes through the target planet's atmosphere. From the analysis you can then infer the probably make up of gases - scientists then extrapolate that to make some assumptions about the planet make up as a whole.

There are a couple of other methods such as polarisation of the starlight, and analysis of scintillation (atmospheric twinkling).

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
they found a German techno club!
I fell alseep reading all this. Talk about something interesting, like breasts...or well, somethin more sexual.
So... we've got to wait for the press to release a story on it to find out now
I'm not too disappointed as zero punctuation should be out any minute. (Completely unrelated)

Edited by Ramini on 14-05-2008 17:03

I have no need to talk about breasts, because I have em - woot! (two at that ... and no grass!)

or should I say ... IN YOUR ENDO!

Edited by Say on 14-05-2008 17:09

no ... don't do 'weeee'
Paging the Astrophysisit (how ever the bloody hell it's spelt). to the thread.

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
Or lock it? So dull! Shock
gerrof this be mah thread Pfft

and it's astrophysisist

Edited by Say on 14-05-2008 17:47

They discovered the youngest supernova in our galaxy.
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