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Spy Tactics
ahhh the spy =) my favourite job class..
here's a few tips i found on youtube that'll definitely help any aspiring spy in the future! Giggleol:Giggleol:Giggleol:

any spy tips and tactics anyone??
Aye nice vid Smile
When on the same team as Agrippa, do not play as spy. Everyone will be trying extra hard to kill him :) .
For all classes:

bind "MOUSE3" "voice_menu_2; wait; wait; slot2"

Says the enemy spy voice command

Edited by nicolastheadept on 28-03-2008 18:44

Quite the opposite actually. I like going spy when you have a good spy on your team. The thing that annoys me the most is when you have terrible spies on your team, who make it so blatantly obvious, that everyone gets really paranoid and starts shooting EVERYTHING.


nicolastheadept wrote:
When on the same team as Agrippa, do not play as spy. Everyone will be trying extra hard to kill him Smile .



FuZz wrote:
Quite the opposite actually. I like going spy when you have a good spy on your team.

Dear god fuzz, was that a complement Pfft

Agree with you tho, if i have to share spyspace with someone id rather it was someone who doesnt have the commonsence of a pistachio nut.

On the topic of spy tutorials, watch the vid linked below, its a masterclass and a fine example of the best spy kill spree ive ever seen.

bloody amazing i say.

Edited by agrippa on 28-03-2008 17:06

Hehehehe [s]
Unfortunately its hard to see him taunt because when playing it back in the source recorder those flames appeared :confused:

EDIT: I'll have a new version up without the flames, curse you source recorder! :upset:[/s]

EDIT2: New version :

Edited by nicolastheadept on 28-03-2008 19:09

Fallen Seraph
On the subject of both Agrippa and spy tips, I have an Agrippa specific tip which I feel has served me well:

When spying against him ALWAYS cloak as a member of your own team before you leave your spawn. You never know where's he's a standing and informing his team of everyone that passes. You don't want to have your cover blown before you even get behind enemy lines.
god damn it seraph.....
Aye, people get confused when I disguise as my own team but its partly to act as a decoy - who can resist chasing the medic down a tunnel then finding he's disappeared. and partly because the other team will see theres a spy about in setup and be cautious.

I've said before I don't like spying when theres another spy, if the other spy is worse its usually painfully obvious what they're doing wrong and you don't have the same psychological effect on the enemy. If they're better then let them do their own thing, there are times two spies works well but usually a spy and another class works better.
Clever Idiot
I sould lock this thread out of the intreast of all the people who dont play spy, but keep getting it in the back from you pesky backstabbing buggers.
There are some good videos on how to spy on youtube but its worth noting just how many people have seen the ones listed here so nowadays demomen tend to get spy checked a lot so aint such a good disguise anymore.

Also if you think a spy is disguised as a medic look at him does he have a percentage for his ubercharge a real medic ALWAYS will even if its 0 spy medics dont, one of the many reasons why its a terrible disguise to use.
I like to think I'm quite good at spotting spies. The main two ways I use is by running into anyone near me to check I can, and watching for people that trail someone exactly. It's quite a subtle thing to notice, but if you see someone staring directly at a team mate, there's a good chance it's a spy. Oh and always look out for hints of cloaked spies - things like water dripping off nothing, a slight glow from being hit, that kinda thing.

And of course turn keep turning around if you're on your own - if you go spec you begin to realise how amazingly unobservant most players are lol.

theres a good thread with tf2 tips in that was done some months back:

Dispite the well natured and relaxed atmosphere of the CI server there are some phenomenally talented playes on the server and some of them contributed in the thread above. I learned a fair bit from it (more than id like to admit in factPfft. Tims engineers rotating tip was a proper revelation for me ), so its worth a read for those who are relativly new to the community.

Edited by agrippa on 29-03-2008 18:17

Aye, I always have a little laugh when I see a spy disguised as medic. You've got a marker on your name that says you're a spy, people expect you to heal all the time and just running around is suspicious and also people tend to know where their medic is Smile

The disguise is really just a brief thing, if you're going behind enemy lines you should be cloaked or moving stealthily, if you're running away you're cloaked. If you're waiting for your time you're disguised and lurking in a corner somewhere, I tend to pick the lonely sniper or backup engineer for this role just in case someone spots me.

Most disguises have a flaw though now, people expect you as pyro/demo, scout and medic are easily seen through, soldier and heavy you end up blocking people with your slow speed.

I've not played much recently due to rl stuff and wow. Seem to have gone right off spy and fallen in love with scout now for some reason.
i see what you're saying Ramini.
I rarely even disguise to be honest. Cloak is much more useful.
The prime example being dustbowl, when defending on the map where the spawn for the attacking team is the 2 gates right outside of spawn.
i just cloak all the way to the little hut on the left. Crouch and uncloack, and stab whoever is running around the hut, then run around the corner towards defending spawn, and repeat.
You can get a kill almost every time around (depending on the number of people running around the hut)
The new maps (like redstone and stag) ar a bit harder for a spy because they require scouts quite a bit, and the amount of corridors (although you think it would be good for a spy) are too many.
Might be different for others, but i find that a map with narrow corridors etc, but of a large size are a spy nightmare.
dont get me started on redstone...


AgrippA wrote:
dont get me started on redstone...

The best (meaning the worst) surprise that map gave me was the update....
Of alllllll the things to change, they decided on changing the lighting. Well, it speaks for itself.

Edited by mrbreckles on 04-04-2008 00:36

Aye Mrbreckles, before redstone came out one of the hydro maps was a nightmare for this. The one where the main crunchpoint is over that hole of death. After a bit of practice I found you could just about jump over to get through but you were usually blasted by random demomen.
Redstones just too big. Dying as a spy you usually have no idea why it happened, just unlucky, so the further you have to run back the more frustrating it is.
To spot a spy, watch to see anyone who sees a Pyro then turns around and runs away Giggleol:.
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