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Studen kills a burglar with a samurai sword.
Seriously need some self defence laws put in place Toke
Rofl teh cake
I would maybe have reacted not that harsh, but in my place, he would have to get out on a stretcher. As long as I am not scared shitless or something. It was self defense after all and he was protecting his house and goods.
I think it sounds reasonable.. I mean.. once you're in the situation where you're standing there with a sword and some asshole intruding in your house lunges at you what are you supposed to do? The guy's (I assume) not some samurai master, I doubt there's much subtlety in his sword technique that would allow him to deftly fend off the attacker and merely incapacitate him.. you just hit him with the fucking sword until he goes down.
Mr G
A guy kicked my front door in and poked his head in to my bedroom, I grabbed a stage prop cutlass from the wall and chased the fucker down the street. Gave up after awhile as I was naked, not sure what scared him most the cutlass or the 6' 6" naked man wielding it but sure as shit did nt come back later in the week.

Am glad he did nt challenge me back as i doubt i would have followed though, which now after seeing this i doubt i would like to live with the consequence of them actions.
it was in discussion in the UK for you to be able to do self defence without being charged or sommet but kinda gone quiet Mute
Yeah due to the Michael Martin incident... which I think sounds different to this case, if someone lunges at you (as has happened here) then I think it's fine to protect yourself in whatever way you can. In the Michael Martin incident however he shot a 16 year old kid running away from him in the back with a shotgun.. that's not self defence as far as I understand it.

Also: Ha ha ha, no one break into G's house! XD
lol @ Mr G Roll That would certainly be enough to make any normal person reconsider their life of crime Wink
Slim The Chameleon
Wow the student went abit OTT with the self defence, i mean i can't blame him he must of been scared but hacking a burglar to death is abit far... tmi
I think the fact that the guy LUNGED at him makes it hard not to take either drastic action.. or let yourself get pummeled.
GG student! Even though, killing a person is not something easy to live with (I think), it's way better than not living at all, killed by a burglar.
As far as I'm concerned, if someone has broken into my house without good reason (i.e. your roof is on fire!) then they forefit all rights they have as a person and get what they deserve.

Give us back our barbed wire and glass topped walls Sad
Need a sentry right here!
Hungover Engie
Make it yourself!

Fuck you, I'm bored and can't sleep.
Pff, who needs a sword?

I've got 2 cats that hate change and will kill you if you try to change the layout of any part of the house.
stupid laws, seriously.... no comment ><
that was a helpful thread revival. well done.
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