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Rofl teh cake
I consider getting this game, anyone else interested? It's a "role playing shooter", with over 10000 weapons, yes you heard right, 10k weapons.
Found some shiny gameplay material, its in italian tho.

YouTube Video

Edited by Rofl teh cake on 12-08-2009 18:11

Gameplay looks kind of slow to me.
But I like the comic graphics in it, just like XIII's drawing style (the comic books, not the game). Might be worth giving a shot I guess Smile
militant camel
I like the fact that it's supposed to be a shooter with RPG stuff, rather than the other way around.
I considered buying this game until I noticed I got like 10 other games I gotta buy near the end of the year so we'll see what happens... It definitely looks interesting and I like the new visuals more than before. But I'm not gonna get all worked up by the "10k weapons" hype. I'm sure most of the guns look and feel the same just some stats changed. I expect some people to be kinda disappointing who think it'll have 10k completely unique and different weapons...
So, from what I understood from it. It's gonna be something in the line of L4D as well, 4 main characters, trying to make their way out of somewhere, not full of infected but mercenaries
Yeah it looks good and i do fancy giving it a go it depends how many other cis and regs get it cus i would like to give it a go with you lot Smile
Rofl teh cake
Afaik, there is gonna be a specific number of gun parts, which can be found combined together in weapons through the levels. those parts can all be combined together. That's how you reach that big ole number of over 10k. I don't know if you can build em apart and construct your very own weapon, but that would be pretty awesome.

Edited by Rofl teh cake on 12-08-2009 18:45

Here's the latest trailer btw Smile Could be fun with friends.


Rofl teh cake wrote:
Afaik, there is gonna be a specific number of gun parts, which can be found combined together in weapons through the levels. those parts can all be combined together. That's how you reach that big ole number of over 10k. I don't know if you can build em apart and construct your very own weapon, but that would be pretty awesome.

If it works like that... then it's freaking awesome Shock

Edited by Braag on 12-08-2009 18:46

that game looks mint !!
BUT its only four player. More would be much better...

Its made by gearbox so looks like it will be big on the 360
bore durrrrrr lands

XIII was a cool game

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Been waitiing for this since it was announced (2006). I'm glad they changed the art style, it takes a break from all the gritty styles that other games feel the need to implement.

By the way, it's not just weapons that'll be randomly generated, but monsters and certain parts of the landscape too.
Cpt Obvious
If it works on my machine will try for sure.
I don't really buy that whole 10000 weapons pitch, especially after I saw an interview where they said they designed an AI that generates new weapons. A random number generator is not an AI and weapons with different stats aren't new weapons.

Good vid shows of coop gameplay but also lists how you can setup the game or lobby:

friends only
level close to ur level

Edited by Raven on 16-08-2009 14:05
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