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Novatech ATI 4890 1024MB GDDR5 & Novatech NVIDIA GTX275 896MB GDDR3 Graphics Review!
Mr G
Some testing done with different hardware and OS setups worth a quick flick Smile
Awesome. Can't wait for the 5000 series, that's going to be interesting.

Still too expensive for me though Sad
Mr G
Aye and ati are rebranding all the 4000 for 2nd gen cards but for around £80/90 so hold off for the mean time :) DDR5 will filter down with the new gpu speeds :)

plus they might as well get all they can out of the 4k brand after all :P

Edited by Mr G on 03-04-2009 12:27

My steam doesnt like ATI and only works on nvidia :/ its a picky thing it is
Oooo could get a cheap 4850 and run crossfire with my 4870Grin

Or just wait and save for a 4890....
I used to care a lot about all those tests until i finally learned to let it go : Only upgrade when next gen -mid to high end -cards are released. I used to upgrade like 3-4 times a year lol.
Now i got my 4870( the card made me an ATI fanboy for life) late last year and i`ll upgrade ( if i can live till this recession is over rofl) 6 months after the 5xxx series is released. My wallet will be thankful too.
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