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I cant find it anywhere pls help me!
Dont know what made me remember this game, but I spent allday yesterday searching and downloading rubbish trying to get it.Headbang

please can someone help with their intermanety knowledge.kiss

Basically it was a Net yaroze game that was released with others on a PS one magazine demo disc back in the 90'S, the game I want was called Blitter Boy made by Chris Chadwick heres a vid
YouTube Video

I just remember spending so many caned evenings hammering this game it was so addictive.Toke

Ive been trying to download the the Net yaroze demo disc which includes Blitter Boy but its gone dead.

Any Ideas or is it impossible or does anyone else remember this little rare game!Smile
that any help?
A game which looks kind of similar is Crimsonland;
one of the level examples here:
YouTube Video

It's a very fun game and you can get the game *very* cheap ; )
..and it looks similar to that game. System requirements are low, so give it a try.


Thanks nice find most hopeful one yet but I had same issues with others on the forum that it was a corrupt file. But its probably that Im doin something wrong when trying to join n open those 3 seperate files?
Afraid, doesnt have your game on it.

But its awesome site reguardless:

hit the little angry red man icon at the bottom to switch to sega genesis and "other" games.
I still have the demo disc with the Net Yaroze compilation on it, i'm ripping an ISO for you at the moment, will post a download link here later on.

EDIT: Just a wee pic to prove i'm not shitting you;

Edited by Abunai on 24-03-2009 11:40
That's the .BIN iso (just extract this for an ISO to use for the emulator)

also lol, i just read the first reply to the thread that there's already an upload somewhere haha
I guess that's what I get for being to eager Pfft

Edited by Abunai on 24-03-2009 12:58


Abunai wrote:
I still have the demo disc with the Net Yaroze compilation on it, i'm ripping an ISO for you at the moment, will post a download link here later on.

EDIT: Just a wee pic to prove i'm not shitting you;


How much do u want for it!!Moon

How do you still have it you legend its as rare as rocking horse shit.

Thanks mate Ive been trying to burn the one off the other link. But it may be corrupted so Ill try yours if it does not work on my final try tonight.

Thank you for your time guys.kiss

Great helpGrin
I forgot to mention, I passworded my rar with "cleveridiot".

And if you are burning the iso to a cd, you have a chipped PS1 right? If not, you'll have to play on an emulator.

That or find some old school person to chip your PS1.

And it's not for sale :3
I love it havent played it in years, thanks again man.Grin

Playing it on a PS2 slim with the tape n tissue mod.Cool

Burned of Thrill kill aswell,that game is so wrong its beautiful.Devil
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