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Best thing ever just happened TF2.
I was playing as a Spy and was disguised in the enemy base. I stopped to type something and a Pryo came from no-where and spy-checked me. He must have realised I was typing or AFK because he toyed with me, burning me with his flamethrower in short burts. He kept doing this until my health was down to exactly 1HP when, by pure fluke, my team won the round and his flamethrower suddenly went out. LOL!

As he ran away I litterally popped a crit cap in his ass. It made my day.
What if the Hokey Cokey really is what it's all about?
Rofl teh cake
Gahahahahahaha.....well played. =P
Remind about a round on fastlane yesterday afternoon! We lost the round and i was a pyro!! OK, they are running to our spawn room an wanted to kill us as usual.

One of them came right in front of me. In that moment i taunted and kill him with the hadoken!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell what a funny momentGrinGrinGrinGrinGrin
That is awesome. I wouldn't be surprised if Valve "patch" it though Smile
What if the Hokey Cokey really is what it's all about?
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