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Masson March 08 2011 22:36:30
happy birthday cake Smile by the way, where does it show the birthdays on the site? Sick
alecom March 08 2011 22:21:23
happy birthday old man
Rofl teh cake March 08 2011 20:08:24
thanks everyone Smile 20 now, moving towards 30.... I feel so old Frown
Leif March 08 2011 15:32:35
Happy birthday cake :>
Mike March 08 2011 12:29:40
Happy Birthday Party
Raven March 08 2011 11:34:46
PartyHappy Birthday Bro my skirt is ready
Mr G March 08 2011 07:36:36
Happy Birthday Cake Party
Radoo March 08 2011 05:30:42
Happy bday Cake! Party ... And to all the women out there. Party
alecom March 08 2011 04:40:34
Birthdays were easier to see when they were on the right column. Happy belated birthday anyway.
spaceboy March 08 2011 02:09:39
Happy Birthday Cake Grin... sorry Radoo Sad
Cpt Obvious March 07 2011 19:53:14
i dont even remember my dads birthday
Radoo March 07 2011 19:46:38
"I am disappoint". You all missed my birthday. Pfft
Undead2k March 04 2011 20:44:01
Steam fixed now. Just updated my brothers steam and copied his files over mine. Works perfectly... for now... Grin
spaceboy March 02 2011 18:02:45
Raven March 02 2011 01:15:08
matswatz February 27 2011 16:48:36
: (
Undead2k February 27 2011 13:55:27
It would appear my PC hates Steam updates. Broken again like before. Argh.
matswatz February 25 2011 22:09:05 awesome song (the one on the top)
Radoo February 25 2011 16:28:02
Happy BDay Exxy!
Undead2k February 24 2011 21:10:28
Happy Bday Exxy ;D