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Radoo October 01 2014 16:55:05
ERROR 502 - Bad Gateway! on my Knock knock thread. Cry
Humi September 29 2014 18:27:57
sick-lizard September 25 2014 14:57:36
I would have thought most of teh apple users would be trying to unbend there phones or remove the last update...
Radoo September 05 2014 20:02:59
Srsly?! Drunk
NaughtyMe September 04 2014 19:48:33
no, Apple scum-lord bum licker
Radoo September 04 2014 07:54:06
Does anyone play World of Tanks Blitz? (works on iOS so far, but there will be an Android version)
NaughtyMe August 19 2014 18:52:46
wibble indeed
Mr G August 19 2014 03:12:14
wibble Roll
NaughtyMe June 14 2014 10:16:04
spaceboy June 14 2014 02:52:22
sick-lizard June 09 2014 17:47:03
sick-lizard May 16 2014 19:09:29
sick-lizard May 08 2014 10:48:06
just adblock & refresh monkey if I need to have constantly updated page Smile
Mr G April 21 2014 19:21:58
nice and added, any other little jems? Smile
sick-lizard April 12 2014 11:33:59
in chrome I use a plugin called HTTPS Everywhere which checks if a site has https and switches to it Smile
Radoo April 11 2014 14:27:45
Radoo April 11 2014 14:15:43
Oh, I just found out I can put https in front... Roll The top CI banner sends you to http though. Maybe you should redirect all http requests to https.
Radoo April 11 2014 14:12:06
sick is sick: their/there, tells us he fixed openssl while the forum doesn't use it Smile
sick-lizard April 11 2014 13:21:43
if anyone needs to reset there password, the ssl has been patched for the heartbleed bug
spaceboy April 08 2014 11:27:39
Too soon Sick.. TOO SOON!