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wolflordandy June 19 2011 15:09:18
Ripoff of a ripoff? clicky
spaceboy June 18 2011 20:23:41
There is also some LoL going on at Dreamhack: With allegedly 170k viewers on the stream Shock
Cpt Obvious June 18 2011 15:24:08
Meet the medic is coming... tf2blog is full of birdcrap.
spaceboy June 18 2011 14:22:27
Woooooo Dreamhack! Hilariously it turns out my sleep pattern is more in sync with MLG events, I've only just got up and missed half of the games today Grin
sick-lizard June 18 2011 12:07:44 sc2 stream from dreamhack
matswatz June 16 2011 15:26:33
Hungover Engie June 16 2011 06:00:56
Goddamn chinamen.
Hungover Engie June 16 2011 05:55:21
Err, what the hells?
Cpt Obvious June 15 2011 19:17:32
Raven June 13 2011 09:50:48
Yeah skrillex played twice and main stage and lets go crazy arena Grin
Exxy June 12 2011 18:45:30
Might be talentless, I still enjoy Skrillex though :3
Rofl teh cake June 12 2011 16:57:51
both massive talentless jerks, but enjoy yourself anyways Smile
Exxy June 11 2011 17:00:17
Is Skrillex gonna be there? Shock
Raven June 11 2011 13:46:19
Im in london now and chilling out in hotel till LED festival with Deadmau5 Grin
Undead2k June 10 2011 22:32:59
DNF is the best game on the planet! ;D
Cpt Obvious June 10 2011 10:30:47
It seems Duke Nukem is pirating quality. Seems to be just another Halo reskinned as Duke Nukem.
Rhosauce June 10 2011 01:20:01
Oh, god, Sick, that's so beautiful. ;-;
alecom June 09 2011 20:13:07
FREE! At last Grin
sick-lizard June 09 2011 18:57:46
Undead2k June 09 2011 13:20:53
Got DNF!! Can't play it though! Damn you Steam!!!