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Meet the Crew
Here just a bit of info bout the comic crew Smile (note it is mostly off the top of my head)

Sick as 'The Engineer'- "The Wrench is mine and mine only!"
Behind the laid back goggles and hard hat is a man of knowledge and mystery, after surviving many encounters with the Reds equipped only with his wrench, it has been worshipped as a hero (more than sick unfortunately). On numerous occasions Say and Tim have tried to touch the 'wonder wrench' but have failed. On peaceful days he resides to the intel room, for abit of TV with cuppa coffee and waxes his wrench.

Free as 'The Pyro'- "At first if you dont suceed, just burn it!"
Free takes a look at simple life, burn anything that doesnt work and just say it exploded, his gimp suit is the pride of him and very rarely takes it off, many rumours have spread of whats behind the mask, some say its a man who doesnt need an explanation, while some say hes just lazy. Nothing pleases free more than burning a spy while hes cloaked (Reita knows all too well about).His beloved friend the couch which he calls 'Andrae' his been with him through thick and thin of his life.

Reita as 'The Spy'- "Squishy has a flavour for meat!"
Just graduated from spy acadamy he has just entered the big wide world of tf2, due to his shy and nervous nature, he finds it difficult to fulfill the role of a spy quite difficultly and decides to use his skills for his own uses. One day he found a dog (actually a headcrab ) and decided to call it squishy and take care of it, squishy'a appetite for meat is vast causing a rapid downfall of the food in the fridge (much to Sick's demise) One day he will meet his Sensei Agrippa and challenge him to prove his worth as a spy

Meser as 'The Medic'- "Tad more red wine pls"
Meser is the doc of the crew, a man with vast knowledge of the human body (noticabely more the female than the male body) his skills with the bonesaw may suggest that he was a lumberjack in earlier life, his red wine obssesion has lead to him growing his own wine and calling it 'Meser merrily red wine' Hes seen so many flying body parts that he just sees them as leaves in the wind. Constantly covered in blood suggest possible autospy but meser just answered 'im preparing the dinner'

Say as 'The Sniper'- "Dont forget the bloody Sugar!"
Wherever Say goes, the mug goes the bonds between them are like Yin and Yang seperating them is hell on earth. Tea is Say's hunky man with the added power of 2 sugars. The mug has been nicknamed 'infinty' as the mug nevers seems to be empty of tea. Along with Tim their fascinating with the gimp suit is unrivaled, leading them to try and acquire this 'legendary' suit. Her sniping skills are match to none, she can snipe anything within her distance and the sunglasses are rumoured to cover her 'eagle's eyes'

Don as 'The Soldier'- "My god that is rather huge.."
Don the man in his twenties has seen it all, now has supposedly 'retired' to the clan. His trophy his helmet which he shines and polishes everyday has saved his life a few times (mostly when Say uses his helmet for target practise). His fascinating for things large and shiny has led to him being nicknamed 'Shiny O'rly' He spends his days residing at the 2fort bridge with a fishing rod, his shiny helmet and a bottle of fresh spring water

Tim as 'The Demoman- "Scrimpy is the liquid of the gods"
Tim's obsession with his favourite drink 'Scrimpy' has spread rumours of him being a tad alcholic, he denies the rumours and says scrimpy is my inner self just in a bottle. Some occasions Tim has been seen talking to his 'inner self' about the meaning of life suggesting that Tim might be taking a look at life philosphically. Or some just say hes obssessed with scrimpy and needs to cut back. The other play jokes by hiding his scrimpy in out of reach places.

Zap as 'The Scout- "Would you like to touch my bat?"
Zap, the kid with ambitions, plans on becoming a major baseball player in tf2, however due to an unseen event involving his bat, he has been banned from becoming a baseball player. The event is unknown only zap knows that event which has lead to probing by his comrades. He his currently writing a book called '101 uses for a metal bat'. unfortunately he hasnt discovered 101 ways yet but when he learns a new way he writes it down. His bat is so shiny it literally is a lightsaber

Mega as 'The Heavy'- "The greener side of life is tastier"
Mega has taken a more 'healthier' look to life, eating greens and tofu to be precise, his interest in nature has caused him to teach the others of protecting the planet instead of blowing it up, however there are two sides to mega his 'nature' side and his 'destructive' side, these sides can change within an instant leading from saving the squirrels to blowing them up. the team prefer his destructive more than anything as it m,eans less work for them. He shaves his to keep it smooth and fresh.
lol nice Smile
haha rly nice, I think don's bio is the best

'Shiny O'rly' ftw Giggleol:Sickhy:
hahaahha!! omg thats so cool..
Clever Idiot
w00t amazing , very funny
nice one reita you got great creativity. good stuff
Ty all Smile quicky update: working on issue1 gonna have to do it on 2-3 pages to get gtood size screen and text on so bout ahlf way ish with that

Any ideas for next issue leeme know Smile
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