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Bot fun! ..or "fun"
I was bored, so i decided to mess around with the non-functioning bots in TF2.
Aka they do fuck all unless told to.

First off, regular noclip and thirdperson.
Thirdperson works excellent in TF2, i'd like to see it on a server one day lol Pfft

Then, I spawned some faithful minions to do my bidding.
You can do this by typing "bot" in console

Then, to get them out of spectator, type bot_changeteams
This didn't go to well for me, I typed it too many times as you can see..

After they respawned, I taught them how to shoot.
Type bot_flipout 1 for nonstop shooting

And to jump and so on. (bot_jump 1)

When i finally managed to get a bot out of spawn, we went blue hunting.
(bot_mimic 1, for them to follow your actions, but in reverse.)
(bot_mimic_yaw_compensate 1 [or something very similar] for plain following)

When mimic is on, they shoot when you shoot, jump when you jump and so on.

There were other commands, but i gave up after i got frustrated at the lack of ability to follow me, with almost all bots ending up in the water.

And after that me and my (dumbass) minions got fed up with imageshack so thats it.


Sorry if considered spam or whatever, didn't want to flood the picture thread with all of it.
lol don't forget ya need sv_cheats 1 on too for anyone else that wants to play with the AI - less bots

you could list all those cmds in a file call it bot.cfg & exec it in console Smile

bot_quota 8
bot_difficulty 2
bot_quota_mode fill
bot_auto_follow 1
bot_auto_vacate 1
bot_join_after_player 0
bot_prefix â—¦[CiB]â—¦
bot_defer_to_human 1
bot_allow_rogues 1
bot_walk 0
bot_join_team any

Okay just go outsmart me then sick Sad
lol we run infamous css bots..they eat n00bs.. i belive we had to knock emdown to easy mode.. rogue is a bugger with ff on..
Clever Idiot
Dam you must have been bored. nice work
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