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Firefall - MMO TPS/FPS

Looks an interesting game, check out the trailer and the gameplay video on the front page.

Currently prebeta, to sign up for beta (whenever its announced) just sign up for the forums.

It has a lot of potential, but then so do many others, certainly something to keep an eye on though.
Hold on one second, didn't you recommend APB....and look what happened to that company!


Yeah fuck you Andy, fuck you, you downbringer of companies.

Edited by NaughtyMe on 10-09-2010 20:28


Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Well, I still play APB, and find it fun, its looking like EA is gonna end up buying Realworld Studios... or at least their IPs and stuff.
Cpt Obvious
Looks decent, reminds me of borderlands.
But one mmo is enough of a time and money sink, and a sink i am enjoying.
i've got no time for mmo's as i'm extremely busy with just chilling at home, but in spite of that it does look pretty good!
agree with obvious about the borderlands too, seems to be a fairly popular genre now aswell as brink (?) coming out soon which is almost a clone
Supposedly its going to be free to play, but as of yet no price model has been mentioned. So not sure if they'll go per month, per hour, micro transactions or what as of yet.

Its also not clear how MMO-like it actually is. Global Agenda and Huxley claimed to be MMOs, but were basicly just 3d server browsers...

General consensus from the dl* guys is its tribes/borderlands mmo and will be judged with suspicious caution for the time being.
It will be micro-transactions. They say that it will be "balanced" though, which is how they claim it will be better than other games with a similar pay model.
As long as the stuff you buy can still be obtaining through hard work (aka Grinding) or is purely cosmetic (armour paint/hats) then it wouldn't be too bad...

City of Heroes did an ok model where the only micro transactions were Costume packs, XP boosters and temp transport powers (non-combat).
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