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Computer Conundrum
Right i wake up this morning to find my computer aint booting up

During boot sequence it wont boot past the usb devices section, it will recognise them but then will hang and do fack all, i tried removing all usb devices then it just hangs after memory check

ANy suggestions kind lads lads lads?
Mr G
Check bios see if the date and time are correct if not then something has messed with the bios settings(this is to say if they where correct in the first place) Then check to make sure the bios can see the Hard drive ok and that the HD is first thing to boot from. Go though the bios checking each setting is correct as far as you can tell. Having the manual to hand will help you reference the different options and advice to setting them (you sould be able to find info on the net if you have nt a paper manual)

You will need another PC with a burner for the next lot

Ubuntu or some other linux bootable CD this will let you boot from CD/DVD and even on the internet which is still usefully on a partiality dead machine cause you can test screen/memory and other functions (mike might know of some good linux/windows live CD or google it)

Memtest +86 v4 again needs to be burnt to CD/DVD and will test your memory when the machine boots with the disc in, does take awhile to do a first pass about 1 hr 20min, and the 2nd pass about 50min get quicker as it goes though them.

Oh try a windows CD/DVD in first to make sure you can at least get the DVD to boot other wise the last two ideas are bolloxed and save ya some burning time.

good luck dude. x fingers

Edited by Mr G on 18-03-2010 11:15

Ive tried to access the bios menu but it cant boot the menu up in time before reaching the usb device, it says its opening it but hangs when comes to the usb device

isnt there any form of bios access on the motherboard like resetting bios on the motherboard?

If not how i do get around this problem Smile
have you got any usb stuff plugged in apart from keyboard & mouse, if you have unplug it. you should be able to get into bios, i would only clear it via cmos jumper of removing the cmos battery as a last resort
It looks like ill have to remove the cmos battery,by removing will this reset the bios?
yes Sad
Luckily i found my motherboard book and it has a cmos switch on the motherboard, will this reset the bios? will resetting affect anything related to windows on the drive?

Once its reset wil it just be the bios need configuring and nothing related to windows?
Resetting the BIOS shouldn't effect the information stored on the HDD, including Windows.

It will restore the BIOS to its default factory settings so depending what features your PC has, you may have to reconfigure a lot of settings. For example if you have duel core processors, on mine if I reset the BIOS it defaults to a single core for some reason. Depends really on the hardware.

Its odd that you cant get into your BIOS at the moment. Is it because your keyboard is also USB? Or are you not spamming the F2 button enough Pfft (or whatever your BIOS setup button is)
Yeah i spam the delete and F11 button and it says its opening the menu but then gets to usb device and just hangs

With Mr G at hand tried resetting the bios with the CMOS switch and removing the CMOS battery aswell but no luck

We were thinking the USB on the motherboard may have broken but it can still recognise USB items connected to it.

Keyboard is connecting through the old way before USB but mouse is usb and connecting through a hub
Mr G
If your keyboard is the old style circle ps2 pin then unplug all USB stuff and just leave the keyboard in. This will take the whole USB problem out of the equation all together.
K its working now removed graphics card and booted with old 8600gt in said checksum error so went back to default ettings and works said back bios added back in gts260 and is working so success

Ty all for helping me Smile
Mr G
Thats great news dude Smile
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