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Team Fortress 2: WAR! Huh?! Good God!
Clearly shit is well and truly afoot!

Following the inclusion of these fun new sound clips in the game.

Various snippets from Robin Walker.

...and now this here fancy comic...

Lets speculate bitches Grin

Is it really as simple as an impending Demo/Sollie update? (which lets face it would be awesome/craptacular depending on the implementation). My, slightly disappointing, theory.. and this is just wild supposition on my part, is that the competition mentioned at the end of the comic is actually going to be an elaborate way for Valve to allow the community to vote (in a way) for which class gets its update next. My guess is they will have a period of a week or so where they will tally up from their global game stats how many times a solly killed a demo .. and how many times a demo killed a solly.. and then at the end of week, the class that has killed the other one more will be declared the winner and their update will be next Smile

Personally I'd prefer if both updates just showed up fully done before xmas as I'm pretty excited to see what the implications may be for the game as a whole... but I think my theory really falls into line with how Valve is going about eking every bit of publicity and interest in the game out of their continued support. What does everyone think? Am I way off?

Edited by spaceboy on 11-12-2009 09:44

Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Here I am speculating...
...see me speculate...

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
A possible update on either one or two of my favorite classes, this must be how it's like to be a kid on chrismas morningRoll

Whatever it is I'm hoping for an xmas release as I won't be around for the next 2 weeks and I don't want to miss itPfft
Lets hope they don't release just prior to xmas.. leave the game buggy and unplayable and then feck off on holiday Sad ... I'm sure they wouldn't do that Grin .... errrrrr... semi sure Frown

Edited by spaceboy on 10-12-2009 02:01

Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Who's up for another performance hit?
Cpt Obvious
Hooray soon i cant even break 30 fps!

Jokes aside, i feel a gimmick coming where red demomen and blue soldiers get something special to do amongst the normal gameplay. Announcer lady will possibly be apart of the shenanigans as well.
I think it's going to be like the Sniper vs Spy update; Just make the new weapons that way, that one has an advantage over the other, and that the other gets a new item to actually overcome that advantage etc
Should be dope. Too bad that I don't play iether one of these classes Smile
The word spam has been redefined once more

Wll just have to see but it woud be nice if it was both classes


Mike wrote:
Who's up for another performance hit?

Why so cynical? What ever happened to the optimism of youth? Pfft

Really looking forward to this, though I guess it means I have to still wait a while longer for my engi update! Fingers crossed it drums up some renewed interest in the server - playing on fragmasters sucks Sad
Mike was born cynical.. poor mike kiss

Can anyone think of any potential demo unlocks that would be interesting and yet not entirely game breaking/encourage even more spam than the current weapons? I haven't given it much thought (any time I've spent theorising unlocks has been for my beloved rocketman!) but nothing springs to mind Innocent

Edited by spaceboy on 10-12-2009 11:16

Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
pipe launcher that fires grenades that explode on impact on anything.
sticky launcher that has chamber of 4 (max 4 down at once) that are set off by proximity rather then remote.
bottle of whisky, always crits on first hit, but after that does sub-par damage (repair by going to locker... or taunting?)
tauntkill: when lifting up his kilt the person stood infront explodes on "ka-BOOM"

rocket launcher... er... heat seaking rockets that follow people on fire?
shotgun: 2 frag grenades
shovel: some kind of pan? less damage overall but high chance of crits?
tauntkill: rocket taunt, when he shouts "MAGGOTS!" and does the L sigh the person infront rag dolls straight upwards.

Just my ideas... its hard to think of something that isnt overpowered or changes the classes too much :/
Those are actually some pretty reasonable and interesting ideas for the demo unlocks Andy Grin Not sure about the bottle though as it would be a straight upgrade (and a heck of a weapon!) in games where random crits are turned off.. probably wouldn't be game breaking though (generally speaking I think it's fine for the melee unlocks to be slightly overpowered relative to the originals as they see negligible use anyway so may as well be fun Grin ).

For the solly what I'm hoping for is:

Rocket Launcher: 25% quicker rockets, decreased splash radius, decreased splash damage, minicrits on direct hits.
Shotgun: Rocket jumping boots that take away the self damage from rocket jumping.
Shovel: Don't really care what the actual model would look like but this weapon would do damage inversely proportional to the amount of health the solly has left (e.g. if the solly is full health it does like 10 damage.. if the solly has 10 health it does 190 damage or something similar), no random crits. (I actually got this idea from the steam forums.. I think it's a good idea, but I still feel a little bit dirty about it Wink )

Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Rofl teh cake
Cpt Obvious
I actually think that changing shotgun to a item that removes self damage would be a downgrade, 90% of the time you have a medic to overheal you or medkits nearby and id rather have shotgun as backup cause reloading rawkets is not too fast.


Cpt Obvious wrote:
I actually think that changing shotgun to a item that removes self damage would be a downgrade, 90% of the time you have a medic to overheal you or medkits nearby and id rather have shotgun as backup cause reloading rawkets is not too fast.

Yeah it's a big hit to take as the shotgun is a terrific weapon in consort with the rocket launcher... having said that I would still use this unlock a lot of the time, the freedom to rocket jump to the front lines untethered from a medic would be fantastic and would offer many opportunities to get in unexpected places and flank. It would be a really different way of playing solly with rocket jumping being the primary skill, for instance employing a jump close, unload 2 rockets, jump away harassing strategy which at the moment is extremely risky even if you're overhealed. For me it's balanced as, in 6v6 at least, I'd use the boots when I was being more of a roaming soldier (and not getting as much healing) and the shottie if I was playing pocket and thus could use the shotgun for greater overall damage output. Then again I do have a fetish for rocket jumping so others may not see it as worth it.. but that's what unlocks are supposed to be like right? Some use some don't? Smile
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
i'll be honest i would take a rocket launcher with 6 rockets cos the amount of times 1 MORE FUCKING ROCKET Smile i like the idea of demo upgrade and proxy stickys its a good idea i feel as its got good and bad ideas,

good - can just stick an entrance and fuck off get free kills
bad - less stickys, scouts will hurt as stickys may be fucked up

but if they want to over power the soldier and give us a redeemer. that be fine


Spaceboy wrote:


Cpt Obvious wrote:
I actually think that changing shotgun to a item that removes self damage would be a downgrade, 90% of the time you have a medic to overheal you or medkits nearby and id rather have shotgun as backup cause reloading rawkets is not too fast.

Yeah it's a big hit to take as the shotgun is a terrific weapon in consort with the rocket launcher... having said that I would still use this unlock a lot of the time, the freedom to rocket jump to the front lines untethered from a medic would be fantastic and would offer many opportunities to get in unexpected places and flank. It would be a really different way of playing solly with rocket jumping being the primary skill, for instance employing a jump close, unload 2 rockets, jump away harassing strategy which at the moment is extremely risky even if you're overhealed. For me it's balanced as, in 6v6 at least, I'd use the boots when I was being more of a roaming soldier (and not getting as much healing) and the shottie if I was playing pocket and thus could use the shotgun for greater overall damage output. Then again I do have a fetish for rocket jumping so others may not see it as worth it.. but that's what unlocks are supposed to be like right? Some use some don't? Smile

in fairness one soldier with it one witout so u can build but it opens up a massive tactical option in tf2, kill the sol with that ur uber is gonna be quicker etc, i love it!


Fish wrote:
in fairness one soldier with it one witout so u can build but it opens up a massive tactical option in tf2, kill the sol with that ur uber is gonna be quicker etc, i love it!

Yeah exactly, the tactical implications would be amazing.. on some maps an untethered solly could arrive at mid quicker than a demo and could have a huge influence on the initial mid fight. Which then gives you the option of using the current set up on both sollies (for better uber building), sending one with rocket boots to swing the mid fight/provide better flanking (but relying on one solly for all uber building).. or even starting a round with BOTH sollies rocket booting in and leaving your medic trailing behind (and hence NO uber building!).. you then potentially could have 5 of your team at mid early when the enemy may only have 3 Shock Their extra uber building won't be worth much if their scouts and demo are outgunned and dead at mid before the sollies/med even turn up! Grin But if they see that coming it's an easy counter..stay out of mid and go in late with a massive uber advantage Grin It just brings so many neat options up all with balancing down sides .... although most importantly I just really love rocket jumping Roll
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
If you take a look at this picture: on the bottom left, the solly and demo are in an "eye museum" and the demo looks like he his fiddling around with his eyes, so maybe it is a hint of an unlock as valve often tends to put hints in their blog posts. So wallhack eye for demo? Wink And the image next to it clearly shows melee fights with sharks! Grin

The link to the comic on the blog says "Friendship ends in one day." so maybe we get some news this evening?? Grin
Homer, i'd say it more looks like the demo is crying at the loss of his eye Pfft
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