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Seraph's blog
For those who don't know Seraph started his own tf2 blog for 6v6 tactics and advice. It's aimed at beginners and none of the stuff posted yet should be new to you (I hope), but it's still a nice read.
Seraph is one of the heroes! Grin

Incidentally if anyone is playing with mouse acceleration on then you should really check out his second post and try playing with it off for a few weeks as potentially it can really help your aim.
I thought I'd turned it off ages ago, didn't know the enhance pointer precision kept it on as well Shock

Thing is, I just tried turning it off, and either I jump about 3pixels at a time (which is not particularly accurate) or I just can't get around my windows desktop Sad - didn't actually get to the point of trying it in TF2 because it's simply unusable for me.
Guess I might have to get a slightly higher dpi mouse at some point..
Click the ads people, it's the only reason he made the damn thing. Frown

Also better version tbh

Edited by krakyn on 23-08-2009 22:31

But that would mean turning adblock off! Shock
Pikachu Language is awesome! Smile
Can we get more pictures of his desk?
Fallen Seraph
As per request; a disappointment!

Thanks for yer kind words and support nonetheless! <3
Ooooow we have the same speakers!... and almost the same monitor.. mine is the 226BW Grin
The owl confirms his furry habits.
Fallen Seraph
don't sully the poor innocent owl!
Ow I got the same speakers as you sephrah Grin
samefags lolz
nothing but dust down here
Jesus Fuck what did you do to your wall?!

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
I want to have a closer look at that note book there..
nothing but dust down here
The Seraph Blog! It has been updated!... Commy stuff (no, this is not Seraph's political side coming through)... errr, yep... good Smile


I"™ll mention another dire comms mistake that"™s made too often (on pickups, at any rate). Your team has wiped 5 players and you"™ve got, say, a scout alive who is currently doing his best to stay alive and salvage a shit situation. Don"™t start bitching about the wipe, or even discussing why it happened (If six of you died then this is a perfect time to throw out a few thoughts about your failure). Your one guy alive is going to be concentrating very damn hard. Don"™t distract him. Give him information about the situation that he might have missed. Give him some suggestions. Don"™t do anything to break his concentration like shouting or whining while he"™s dueling another scout.

lol I think our method is much better , blame the last man standing whilst he is still alive and ensure he knows its all his fault if he can't kill the whole team!


sick-lizard wrote:
lol I think our method is much better , blame the last man standing whilst he is still alive and ensure he knows its all his fault if he can't kill the whole team!

Yeah! He's clearly a coward or he'd be dead like the rest of us Grin
Shouting "6 man take down GOGOGO, where the fuck is your clutch play?" works really well too. GiggleDevil
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