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TF2 beta
Yes you read that title right, TF2 has a beta version out right now.

For those of you too lazy to click the link Valve have asked a bunch of teams from the top end of the EU and USA communities to help develop and balance the game further.

There's a massive thread about this on the steam forums too

I take no responsibility for health defects you may suffer from reading that thread however. Frown
Cpt Obvious
ooh i see naughty there.
I want to know whats changing about sandman.
It's great new;, it makes so much sense for Valve to test gameplay changes with people who actually play the game before implementing it that it's pretty amazing they haven't always done this Frown

I've read all of that steam forum thread (I'm so sad).. I still really don't understand why there appear to be so many people arguing for/against pub/comp play and being so generally unpleasant to one another. I mean clearly they all like playing the same video game, to the extent that they're reading and posting on a forum dedicated to it .. so to then call someone else a total loser because they play that exact same video game in a slightly different way seems to me the height of retardedness Grin


Spaceboy wrote:
I've read all of that steam forum thread (I'm so sad).. I still really don't understand why there appear to be so many people arguing for/against pub/comp play and being so generally unpleasant to one another. I mean clearly they all like playing the same video game, to the extent that they're reading and posting on a forum dedicated to it .. so to then call someone else a total loser because they play that exact same video game in a slightly different way seems to me the height of retardedness Grin

lolz l2p comp sux you're not allowed to play pyro and spy and no crits crits roxxorz what nubs1!!.11!
Cpt Obvious


tomregev wrote:


Spaceboy wrote:
I've read all of that steam forum thread (I'm so sad).. I still really don't understand why there appear to be so many people arguing for/against pub/comp play and being so generally unpleasant to one another. I mean clearly they all like playing the same video game, to the extent that they're reading and posting on a forum dedicated to it .. so to then call someone else a total loser because they play that exact same video game in a slightly different way seems to me the height of retardedness Grin

lolz l2p comp sux you're not allowed to play pyro and spy and no crits crits roxxorz what nubs1!!.11!

Or the same in reverse.

"lolz u cant be good playr unless u paly solly/demo/scoot 24/7 all other class r 4 scrubz ololol pub scrubz lo.


tomregev wrote:


Spaceboy wrote:

lolz l2p comp sux you're not allowed to play pyro and spy and no crits crits roxxorz what nubs1!!.11!

Tom you should go onto steam forums and post that... exactly that and nothign but that and see what happens.

Steam forums is basically the wasteland from fallout 3.


Cpt Obvious wrote:
"lolz u cant be good playr unless u paly solly/demo/scoot 24/7 all other class r 4 scrubz ololol pub scrubz lo.

And that's the basic misunderstanding that causes all this crap, no one on the comp side says those classes suck or are useless, they are situational.
Pyros spies and even engies have their place, but not all the time and not on all maps, but for some reason people on the steam forums don't seem to grasp that and think that just because no one opens with an engie on granary it somehow means no one plays engie in comp.
Cpt Obvious
Come on anyone whos playing there, I WANT NEW INFO.

Rumours say heavy is getting a speed boost of some sorts, engie/heavy/spy getting weapons and pyro getting some changes.
Pyros get the ability to set heavies on fire so they run faster.
nothing but dust down here
Yeah, there are various rumours in that thread that they're altering the sandman quite a lot (allowing double jumping with it but changing it in some other way to compensate.. which sounds like it would have to be a total redesign to me).

The heavy may be getting the ability to run a bit faster when he's holding his melee weapon (whether that's all melee weapons or a new one that specifically does this I don't know) the idea being that this will balance as it effectively adds to the time before he can have his minigun spun up (as he has the added time of switching to the minigun as well as the spinning up time) which makes it an interesting decision when to go faster and when to have your primary weapon more accessible.

There was also a rumour of a fire resistant suit for the spy which he'd swap for the revolver/ambassador... that wouldn't really affect the spy's use in comp play at all but is still interesting.

The engie was also mentioned as having something new (although this hasn't been elaborated on)... so yeah.. exciting times Grin

Edited by spaceboy on 02-08-2009 17:08

I just want more cheese on the sandvich!
Cpt Obvious


matswatz wrote:
Pyros get the ability to set heavies on fire so they run faster.

? Grin

Oh man i cant wait. Whatever they change it will make my pub scrub life more interesting as well.
I want invisible stickiiiiiiiiis !!!


Fefe wrote:
I want invisible stickiiiiiiiiis !!!

You already have them!


agrippa wrote:


tomregev wrote:


Spaceboy wrote:

lolz l2p comp sux you're not allowed to play pyro and spy and no crits crits roxxorz what nubs1!!.11!

Tom you should go onto steam forums and post that... exactly that and nothign but that and see what happens.

Steam forums is basically the wasteland from fallout 3.

THeres less mutants in Fallout 3...
Cpt Obvious
Possible new engie weapon: GREATLY increases building speed but cannot upgrade!

I LOVE IT. Attacking engineer is so much fun.
Yeah that does sound like a good idea.. anything that dissuades the current turtling engie playstyle.. which lets face it is no fun for anyone :<
Rofl teh cake
Seriously, I haven't built a single teleporter or sentry since the new update with random drops. This weapon would allow you to secretly build a lvl 1 sentry, which supports you in the battle, while you be all like CHARGE!
Yeah man! You could be a useful backup to an attacking team; your team pushes up, you build a level 1 quickly to cover them and stop them getting pushed back... they push up destroy and build. It's basically impossible to do this at the moment as the play moves about too quickly for you to get even a level 1 up in time before it's irrelevant.
remove sandman, remove fan end of beta Smile
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