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TF2 Stats (Part 2)
OK the second and final part at last. This is about collective stats, ie how you all have done as a single unit. Its shorter than the other lot and doesnt really have any shoutouts to individual performances other than where its useful for comparison. There is also fewer pictures as the numbers on this one kinda speak for themself.


Lets get down and dirty with the important stuff. Collectivly you have all managed to kill 755 198 people. Thats right, you have all contributed to killing three quarters of a million people as a group, im sure the Hague will be putting warrents out for your collective arrests any day now. But how many people is ¾ of a million?

Well here is a picture of that many people stuffed into Time Square in New York (sortof)::
you get the idea.

Equally ¾ of a million is the number of people without healthcare in the US state of Missouri in 2007... probably best you dont ask how I knew that without having to google it.

Out of that only about 6% of those kills were backstabs, 44 461 in total. I think now is a good time to add that these and the previous stats page dont include my stats (which ive never reset). What is interesting is that Spaceboy and Obvious both represent just under a quarter EACH of this total. A few people who shall remain nameless hadn't even broken double figures for backstabs. Spy, it turns out, is one of those classes people love and play religiously or just dont play at all.

You have all managed to Build 76 063 buildings which is quite impressive inded, put in other terms you people have built the same number of buildings as there are in Coventry's city centre... very good job there hard hats. However what is more impressvie is the 90 163 buildings that you have all destroyed, which makes you roughly equivilant to a 24 kiloton atomic bomb. Yes you read that correctly, 24 kiloton atomic bomb*... I dont care what anyone says, maths and physics are fucking awesome subjects to take if only so that i can produce very random stats like that one.

As for headshots, they represent 5% of total kills (however this number is slightly out as not all headshots are outright kills). If for a second we say that they were all deadly, and you were to take the actual head of your victims and pin them on a shield and hang them on your wall side by side you need a wall over ten kilometers long to display them all (10 397 meters). On a good day most people can see a horizon roughly 5 kilometers away** (just to put things in perspective).

ANYWAY enough of that, on to some quick numbers. In total you have all healed for about sixty four million health points across all healing capable classes (Medic, Engie and Heavy). Dispite the considerable health stealing efforts of people like Obvious, spys have only managed to leech less than half of one percet of that total, just over a quarter of a million points of health. You have collectivly deployed thirty thousand Ubers and Krits which is really not all that many at all imo... must be more team orientated you lot!

In total you have fired 19 018 722 (19 million) shots of ammunition. If we assume that all of those shots were for Sasha (Heavy's main gun), then the total cost that you lot have spent on ammo alone is $3 803 744 400.. thats nearly $4 billion, which is about the same ammount it costs Iraq to keep the lights on each year (again dont ask how i know, i just do and its really upsetting to know how little a life I have).

You have all managed to die 380 545 times, and if i were to guess why then i woud suggest its becasue you are all massivly overweight having used the teleporters 42 563 times insted of walking and getting some good fatties! IF we take a rough guess that the teleporter on average saves us a few hundred meters running, then the total distance teleported would still only be about 3% of the distance to the moon.


Anyway that pretty much all i have the patience for, one last thing tho. These numbers are representitive of you all, it just wouldnt work if you people werent willing to send me your stats files and not mind the posiblity of embarrisment that might follow, so for that you all have my deepest thanks. As i wasnt able to mention everyone in the original post I decided to post a list here of all those who took part. If i didnt mention you presonally for some outstanding performance or performances I apologise I really do.

Abunai, WolfLordAndy, Cake, Fefe, Gorilla, Hunt0r, Kurj, Leif, Lucky Number 13, Mary, Masson, Mats, Mavi, Mr Camel, Naughtyme, Obvious, Page, Ramini, Rayden, Sammage, Say, Seraph, Sick, Spaceboy, Tom, Uberhomer, Undead2k.

If i have missed you please tell me.

* The maths here isnt complicated but is boring, so just trust me. If you really want to know how i arrived at this then please feel free to PM me.

** As a unrelated, but interesting, note; on a good day the human eye can actually see about 150 million kilometers and even further at night...

EDIT:: I forgot to post the section on total time played. I cant find where i put it so will do it tomorrow as its now 3am and i need some sleep.

Edited by agrippa on 02-08-2009 03:13

I try not to let enemy medics deploy their uber Pfft

How many kills per minute is it?
you made me loling again
Great stuff Grippy! How long did all that take you?! Shock
Cpt Obvious
To quote heavy: Veeeryyyy gooooddd.

Now this just makes me hunger for more Grin

Another round of stats around Christmas please.
I guess every kill cost about 5k $, so this how much a TF2 life cost. Frown Disturbing... Smile Good job Agrippa.
haha very nice again!
Rofl teh cake
ta very much, enjoy this stuff Smile
Awesome Grin
Smile great work
lol nice work agrippa Grin
Devilz Slave


Leif wrote:
Awesome Grin

I hope I'm not the only person who thought after seeing that picture of people crowded in times square 'hmm.. a kritzkreig medic and a few stickies would clear this crowd no problem'

Another cool writeup!
Devilz Slave


Sammage wrote:
I hope I'm not the only person who thought after seeing that picture of people crowded in times square 'hmm.. a kritzkreig medic and a few stickies would clear this crowd no problem'

exactly my thoughts sammage, but i didn't want to write it...Roll
Ed this stuff is awesome! If you have free time and do any more ... DO IT! Grin

Had a rather good giggle about it all Pfft
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