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Why "AgrippA"?
Got asked this a few days back and forgot to answer (or infact who it was who asked me).

Being unimaginative I stole the name from a Roman famous for being a General, Admiral and stateman.

Not interesting at all i hear you say, but there are some interesting screen names out there with (im sure) some interesting reasons/stories behind them. There are also a few that are a little uninspired ([Ci]Mike?).

So Ci community, of all the names you could possibly have picked, why did you pick yours?

Edited by agrippa on 17-06-2009 12:32

This is a very MMO question.

Weeelll my RL nickname is Rambo which in turn comes from my last name (which I will not mention here on pain of several people laughing at me). I'm also quite small and liked Minime from Austin Powers at the time. Rambo and Minime were usually taken so I solved the problem by smashing the two words together until they fitted.

*bets that naughtyme's is simply a description*

Edited by Ramini on 17-06-2009 12:32

Rofl teh cake
Riveting tale chap.

I mean, yeah. There's nothing really big to tell about my name... its just plain and boring Cake with a rofl infront. And UBOA... google it, its a scary ghost which takes you to hell Frown

Edited by Rofl teh cake on 17-06-2009 12:38

Never liked nicknames, the only nicknames I had in real life are Thomas and "the doctor" so not much to go on there. I find most of the steam nicknames stupid anyway so instead of picking something more common like "ultimate dragon ninja king!!11", "venom", "1ee7 snipah242" or "Mike" I just went with my name.

Edited by tomregev on 17-06-2009 13:09

well ingame i'm known as mosson, but before that
masson is my surname, and that has been my nickname since i was 14
mosson came about when i changed my steam picture to maurice moss from the it crowd (tv program), and matswatz gave me mosson Pfft

My nickname is obviously taken from Mortal Kombat (movie + series + games). I love lightnings and also the way Rayden/Raiden was acting in the movie, making (in the series) silly jokes on humans and, in the same time, taking care of their realm. Giggle Too bad he got killed in the finale of the series. Cry

Edited by Radoo on 17-06-2009 13:22

Mine comes from the amount of apologies ("oops sorry, naughty me" ) I used give out for my crap playing, language and generally horrible demeanour. A few brushes wih the law, nothing spectacular.

Nowadays I am too old to really give a fuck, but I need a name and so I just keep using this one.

Edited by NaughtyMe on 17-06-2009 13:31


Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
matswatz is:

Mats - my name
watz - my name with the M turned upside down and a Z instead of the S (cuz itz kool dude)

And I prefer it written in small letters, because that is what the cool kids (me) do.

Edited by matswatz on 17-06-2009 14:28

nothing but dust down here
Good question probably before in the tf2 days of cleveridiot and in the cs time before i was in the clan when i was younger, i loved teen titans and my fav char was Raven and its kinda of stuck since i got into Ci
Interesting stuff! Grin

The name Spaceboy was coined by GooRoo as a semi-deprecating reference to my love of Sci-Fi, space in general, and my strongly held belief that humanity should make a concerted effort to colonise Mars Smile I believe he was trying to evoke the image of a tiny nerdy kid running around with an over-sized astronaut's helmet on Grin

The McGhee bit came from a joke on The Daily Show (a satirical comedy news programme in the US) which had as its punchline the name Gaywad McGhee. As a result GooRoo changed his name briefly to Gaywad McGhee.. and out of solidarity I changed mine to Asshat McGhee and Pooshoes changed his to.. well... Pooshoes (can't remember what it was before that).. I can't recall if what Kibe called herself. Anyway, that happened when we used to play CS and consequently when we all started play TF2 people went back to their original names (except Pooshoes) while keeping the McGhee bit so we'd notice each other on servers and have some sort of tag to show we were all friends (as we were always all in vent together when we played) Smile
Kim Stanley Robinson / Robert Zubrin fan? I am.

I'm boring. Well I've gone by lots of different handles in the past, and I got sick of them, or people not being able to say them properly. That and there's not many Tims, it just makes it easier in the long run.
oh spaceboy long story Grin
oh I think mine is from my rl nick name
so short form fe and the fail explains itself ... Smile


Tim wrote:
Kim Stanley Robinson / Robert Zubrin fan? I am.



Raven wrote:
Good question probably before in the tf2 days of cleveridiot and in the cs time before i was in the clan when i was younger, i loved teen titans and my fav char was Raven and its kinda of stuck since i got into Ci

aye ravens names are always easy to see where they come from Pfft

I have had the same name since i started gaming. I was trying to think of something that sounded good, and cold-hearted killer came to mind. So i shortened it to coldkiller, which most people just think means I like to cure people of the sniffles Grin
Can Sammage get in here? That would be an essay, I wonder if he can remember them all Wink
My nickname don't come from american Yeti or some Sasquatch. I think this explains all:
When I was young, I was amazed by those cars when I seen them on the Eurosport channel.

My RL nickname is Kruger (pronounced as "krugr" ). When I was on high school, we used to play Medal of Honor at shool's LAN. And because Germans were my favourite in this game, my friends gave me the first "german-ish" name they thought.

Edited by BiGFooT on 17-06-2009 15:50

Rofl teh cake
He uses hobonames, that's how much I can recall. Google it, you'll find the whole list Grin

When I played other games, I used to have alot of names, in the CS days it was killah_on_teh_street or something, when playing Ragnarok Online Serenade, Holy Prisoner - 1342 and Assassin_of_Deth_X.
Yeah. Erm. I think I embarrassed myself enough now. Frown
With source games most of the time it was just Mike. I never really bothered making one up at the time and people generally got to know me by my name so there was never really any reason to change it.

During end 2007/start 2008 I tried the name Cypher for a while. Annoyingly, a lot of people thought that I nicked it off the Matrix. I came across it in the dictionary one day and it has the same meaning as Sipher, which basically means an unimportant person or thing.

In other non-source games I've always used Ryuu (Japanese Kanji for dragon).
Cpt Obvious
Im horrible with names, from the golden days of pokemon naming to creating steam profile name my imagination is lacking.

I just happaned to surf some forums and saw some "Thank you Captain Obvius" demotivator pic and decided thats it. Good for pad puns and stuff.
Was listening to Gorillaz at the time and liked it so replaced a couple of letters for digits (coz i think it's what the cool kidz do) and there you go.

Until Mr G started calling me gibbon and i thought that would be good.
YouTube Video

Edited by gori11a on 17-06-2009 19:46

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