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America's Army 3
This free game is due out on the 17th June but you can pre download it now on steam, as you will be able to see by the video at the bottom that the game engine isnt bad at all and its a totally FREE game..
I played Americas Army in the original days. It is a vastly different shooter to most games and tactically you have to be dead on or you will lose.

I rose to a 45 rank, which was pretty good!

Beware of playing Bridge - which is for noobs and spamners. Pipeline, in my opinion, was the best. I believe it was of the original maps being taken forward.

It's a good game, it fell out of favour with a lot of people because graphically it was a little poor. On top of that the vets of the game would just dominate you time and time again. Oh yes boys, FF is on as standard, remember that when you accidentally drop a flash at the start, like I did a couple of times.

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hmm i downloaded AA a while back, but the training thing was really boring so i gave up lol
You had to do the training to be a medic or gain access to the "special" weapons.

Medic training was easy. The stealth traing was long and arduous - about 3/4 hour.

But, hey, it's developed by the army as a recruiting tool, so they had to add in something to let you know what you might be in for.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
o nuts... maybe i didn't need to do it after all then! may well give this new one a try at some point


Cold wrote:
o nuts... maybe i didn't need to do it after all then! may well give this new one a try at some point

Oh you meant the general training, then yeah you do have to do that.

It doesn't take THAT long though, sorry forgot all about the gun training and the final house-clearing training.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Rofl teh cake
Its free? Brb, downloading.
I´m gonna test it.. Im not the one that says no to a free game Smile
I never played the old ones but I will give this a try. I already preloaded it and on fileplanet you can get free keys to get into the closed beta, so you can start playing right now.

You just need a free fileplanet account. But you have to download the client separately because it does not work with the steam one.
You noobs never played AA2 - NOOOOOBs. Your such a noob you noobsters.

I forgot about all the AA players that were from Poland - and there were stacks of them. You could always tell, because there name would always be xxxxx [PL] - and 90% of them were cunts to all and sundry.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
yeah, that was it. the house clearing. hated it lol
Fuck that game up its ass!!

Its a recrutment tool by the american army
look kids aint war great Sad

If you got really good at that game it would not surprise me if you just disappeared


Tinger wrote:
Fuck that game up its ass!!

Its a recrutment tool by the american army
look kids aint war great Sad

If you got really good at that game it would not surprise me if you just disappeared

Somebody didn't take their pills. Yes war is great in a video game. Good with a mouse != good with a gun.

Plus I'm pretty sure press ganging foreigners would be counter productive to the US armed forces.

ps. the US Navy had a free game too driving submarines, but it was shit, oh so shit, and it disappeared.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
the submarine game sounds awesome.
Whale hunting anyone? MAN THE HARPOONS
You Norwegians always want to kill Whales Frown
Battlefield Heroes put me off free online games for life...
The original was ok, I hated parachutes though, always took fall damage.
Same here tom, bloody parachutes!

Will be having a go at this for sure, never quite got into the earlier games but they were fun for a little while. Pipeline was indeed the best map Naughty (and Bridge was horrid!), glad to see its being brought over Smile
Not a good release.

First of all, it takes 3-5 mins to actually load the game because of "overloaded servers". Then people can't complete the training because of buggy client-side code AND "overloaded servers", even though it says you need 24/40 shots to qualify it still says I failed when I got 32 shots. Then, Internet play does't work because of "overloaded servers"....and then the game crashes. 4 times.

Overloaded servers isn't an excuse, when you release a 5gb game for free to millions of people, how much traffic do you think that's going to cause?

Now, I'm generally not bothered aboout graphics, but the game does look like shit. I mean, I refuse to believe it uses the Unreal 3 engine. The buildings are very "blocky" with no detail, most of the textures are blurry, and this was on the highest settings.

Also, they seem to have removed all anti-aliasing from the engine. Completely. The default UE3 Engine has it's own Aliasing system dependent on hardware and resoloution etc, but they seem to have removed it here for some reason.

To top it off, even though everything looks horrible, the game has a serious framerate problem. Just looking at a bare hill halves my fps.

Ah well, back to sniping stuff up on TF2.

Edited by Mike on 18-06-2009 01:07

Yes I too had a shit time.
1. Even though I had pre-laoded the game, it insisted I redownload the whole lot again - bastard
2. Then when I tried to change the settings of my account and type in my email address, I realised that they have set " @ " as the console key, with no visible way of changing it - wankers
3. I cannot remember my AA2.0 account password, even though I have one, but there is no way of getting that re-sent. Not only that, but I did manage to link my account PRIOR to tonights release, so why hasn't it registered - fuckers
4. Training does not get recorded, the game falls over - eerily reminiscent of three years ago - cockmonkeys
5. The graphics are shit...oh so shit. Normally, I don't pay too much attention. But seriously, I have shat better pictures across the back of my toilet bowl. - cumchundlers

That is all.

Edited by NaughtyMe on 18-06-2009 01:13


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