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Valve introduces Steam web browser and UK friendly prices
This looks handy for those of us that dont use two monitors, but need to check the web while playing games.
It's a mini web browser that runs off the steam over-lay (Shift-Tab )
oh and prices in £s also
Read at Custom PC website

Edited by gori11a on 16-12-2008 18:09

if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
Hungover Engie
This is great, been hoping they'd unlock the address bar for a while.
Excellent. Now all they need is a decent friends system to sort people by things like game you know them from, game they are playing, server you know them from and add little notes to them so I can remember who the hell half the people on my list are.
Now steam can run quite happily on most computers and broadband is becoming the norm I do think they have a big future ahead of them.
but unless valve have changed lots, it uses IE to render, arhhhh fail!

the bit I did like was this


UPDATE: As many of you guys have pointed out in the comments section, Steam now also has a European pricing feature in BETA at the moment which, after the recent exchange rate shenanigans, stops Steam being a total rip off in the UK. To enable it, just click on the red text that reads: 'enable European currency beta' in the top right of the Store in your Steam client. You'll then be able to pick up Fallout 3 for the sensible price of £26.99, rather than the $49.99 (£32.69), along with a boatload of other bargains. Not only that, but the European prices even include VAT, so you won't get stung for extra cash during the checkout process either.

Edited by sick-lizard on 17-12-2008 18:04

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