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Soiling their spawn (G mod)
As sci fi had a go and naughty is up for helping us out with his trade secrets, I thought Id have a little play too.Innocent

This is the first time I used g mod for this it is bloody hard and i erased my model a few times by accident.Headbang

I used to just use G mod to draw penis's and obscenity on the walls of the multiplayer games.Devil

What ya tink then....
Rofl teh cake

1. Clipping
Unfortunately, with the Demo, you will always have a problem that constrains you with his movements...clipping. This is where parts of the ragdoll interfere with other bits (oo err). Pictures 1, 2 and 3: his crotch shield is going through his crotch. You can sometimes fix this by getting behind him and shoving his hips forward.
Picture 1 and 3: The Docs coat is clipping his leg. You can actually grab parts of his coat to pull them away - go for the tips.

2. Posture.
Here's a tip you might not know:
Pick up your ragdoll by the chest. Press "E" to rotate as usual. If you hold down the shift button while doing this it will constrain the rotations to strict angles - straight up being one of them. When any item is at the desired angle let go of "E" BEFORE the shift key.
When positioning heads - go around one side and then the other to ensure that you twist and turn them to how you like.
The Doc here has a problem. He is on a hill, but look at him in the third picture: WTF, he's floating! Grab his hips (probably easier if you get on the lower side of the hill to do) and drop them so that the foot rests on the hill properly.

3. Camera: same as Sci-Fi's - get twisting. Push the right mouse button to zoom in/out and tilt left and right to get a nice jaunty angle to your stuff. Get the SuperDOF on to get nice isolated shots.

4. Misc.:
Don't forget critical small items.
a) eye poser. I find it much easier to place my body where I want the people to look and right click on their eyes (this gets them to automatically look at you).
Cool face poser - use the full range of the expressions mixed up together to garner feeling. Be careful - some of the characters that have face artifacts (glasses, patches et.) will clip those items if you push their expressions too far.
c) finger poser - we really want to see those fingers. I think you used the "default fist" on the demoman. I can tell because his thumbs are tucked inside the fist. The directions on the finger poser are fucked up and its a bit of a brain mash to work out which way you push your mouse does what (expert tip just look at the characters hand and push the mouse - sometimes you need to change your angle so that the selection circle doesn't get in the way)

Pressing the model erase is a common problem and easily done, lol.


Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
lol awesome!
Thanks mate it was so hard got easier on the 100th time of erasing my models (effin "z" is used in sdk to free cam).

Didn't even know you could twist them with "e" that's gonna make life alot easier I been throwing the models around to turn them lol.

I forgot about those camera options too doh...
Whats those pixel shader settings do the sharpen one I noticed changed the image alot.

Yer that finger poser is a right slag I bottled out and went for the default thumbs up and it came out like that lol, couldnt see the fist.

This is a great help man it should make it alot easier and break my barriers that are stopping me from making other ideas.

I will learn these dark artsWink
Don't use sharpen with TF2 models it just makes the picture look shit.

Every time you go into GMod you need to change the picture quality settings from 90 to a 100 as well.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Whats the picture settings mate? or am I being stoopid,I cant seem to get that poly dof thing to do anything is it cos of my g card, its ati x800xt 256mb.

I decided to try another with the other advice with twisting models and camera angles/zoom.

Attempted one hand with finger poser but had to use defaults on others that's gonna take a bit of getting used to I think.

Trying to stop that demo from clipping his crotch cover is well ard the medic was easier, I need more praccy with that.

I know its immature but I couldn't resist....(I'm weak).

Demoman goes to the doctors with a problem...
Brilliant m8, really good. Where did you get the bubbes from??

Naguthy, you say twist the camera view with the right mouse button, how and with what addon??
Thanks guys, the speech bubbles were just ellipse's and triangles in photo-shop, but you could use Ms paint to do it really mate.Smile

Like Naughty said when your in camera mode just hold the right mouse button and move the mouse forward/back to zoom and left/right to tilt.
Hehe nice one
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