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I post first

...good idea though. Private clan was getting a teensie bit full

Edited by NaughtyMe on 04-08-2008 23:23


Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
yes sir you win
3rd Sad

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
4th again! DAMNIT!
w00t sick and his magics Smile
7th? yay?
Is this where all the cool kids post then? Smile
god damnit too late >.<
but locke is "3rd" leg Pfft
I hear the sound of the duelling banjo's Smile
I win the golden cap!
Erm.... am i in the right place....what do i have to do.... im scared
if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
"There's something i have to tell you all.... you wont be coming with me.... TO SPACE! thats right ive been selected by NASA to be the first priest in space!?"

"Ohh thats ok then father, i thought for a while you were going to tell us we wouldnt be coming with you to america, i think that if you told us that it would be the single most crushing thing in my life..."

Good bless Dermot Morgan's Genius....
I love Father Ted - absolute genius and so many classic quotes

Dougal: Watch this, Ted. (rubs letters off blackboard) You see? You can rub off the letters.
Ted: But, Dougal, you can do that with any blackboard.
Dougal: What?

And who could forget "My Lovely Horse"

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
lol I have that as an mp3 somewhere on my computer. Smile
"I'm no good at judging the size of crowds Ted, but I'd say there's about seventeen million of them out there."

-"Sorry Ted. I was concentrating too hard on looking holy."

-"Of course the Italians know about football alright, and of course the world of fashion! God Ted, do you remember that fella that was so good at fashion they had to shoot him?"

-"A one-word film. There can't be too many of those. 'Salem's Lot?"

-"Do you believe in God then Ted?"

-"Ted, do you ever notice it's usually sick people who end up in hospitals?"
"Ted, you're not gonna believe this! Clint Eastwood has been arrested for a crime he didn't... Oh, wait no, it's a film."

-"It's like a big pile of jam coming towards us, but jam made out of old women!"

-"That's nearly as mad as that thing you told me about the loaves and the fishes"

-"I'm no Jeffrey Archer, I don't care what anyone says!"

-"We were just talking about that fella, err, Kurt Cobain. He was from America. Huh, imagine blowing your head off with a shotgun. God, how'd he manage to survive that..."

-"So... God! Does he exist? Who knows? Personally, I don't even believe in organized religion."

-"The Pope? Ahh yes - that old fella that lives in an art gallery."

-"Well Ted, I'm very cynical as you know"

-"You, you've done this to me before ted. So I've taken the liberty of taping the conversation." (plays tape) "I stand corrected".l
My lovely horse running through the field,
Where are you going with your fetlocks blowing in the wind?
I want to shower you with sugarlumps,
And ride you over fences,
Polish your hooves every single day,
And bring you to the horse dentist,

My lovely horse,
You're a pony no more,
Running around with a man on your back,
Like a train in the night,
(wait, I can get it)
Like a train in the night.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
militant camel
Father Ted: I know what's going on, Pat Mustard. There are some very hairy babies on Craggy Island, and I think you are the hairy baby-maker.
Pat Mustard: Oh, yeah? Well, I think that you would need proof if you were going to make that sort of an accusation. And I'm a very careful man, Father. A very careful man!
Father Ted: Except when it comes to taking precautions in the bedroom.
Pat Mustard: Ah, w-... you certainly wouldn't be advising the use of artificial contraception now, Father, would you?
Father Ted: Yes, I... well... if you're going to be... of course you will... JUST FECK OFF!
The over 80's football match.


"Let's go out there and lick some ass!.....Kick some ass!"

Edit: Found it Grin

Edited by Mike on 11-08-2008 15:12

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