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Ci Clan Matches
i was bored at work the other day and got to thinking.

do you ever allow spectators to view your clan matches or do you have any demo's made??

99% of my time playing tf2 is on your server, got to know a few of you and obviously impressed as a whole. thought it would be interesting watching you all play together (no puns please) Smile
Yeah there's always a sourcetv on the Ci match server, should be in the Spectate tab as Cleveridiot match TV or something similar. We're not playing that many games at the moment since a lot of people are away on holiday etc but I think we have a game on tuesday.

We do have a lot of demos but since pretty much every update breaks them I have no idea which ones work and which don't, lol.
we have no demo's atm because of updates breaking them, shortly we will be upgrading the portal & this will include more info on clan wars etc so it will easier to find out what we are up to Smile
You can back up demos to AVI, but it seems really labour intensive:

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
There's a nice short explanation of how to do it on the Facepunch forums, search for source recorder on google. Its not labour intensive, you just have to figure out what codecs actually work on your computer Pfft and then wait as it renders and records very slowly.
these are server demo's so they include every view something you can't really replicate in an avi Sad
but could it be done as dvd format and use the multi cam option but the file would be huge
well you'd just edit it - "just" of course means hours of work

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Yes I have no life & I'm only here to furnish you with shiny things to look at Grin
Don Pedro
my bell-end is shiny, can you "furnish" that...again?
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