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TF2 Competitions
Don Pedro
these competitions are open to anyone who registers on the website, Ci clan members will of course take part as well.

Thanks for the response on the poll. The vast majority of people who voted would take part in these competitions. So the next step is to decide when and what.
I'm thinking of a knockout cup format, probably to run over 2 or 3 nights over a week or 2 weeks depending on the number of people.

1v1 any class - deathmatch map
1v1 soldier - deathmatch map
2v2 any class - deathmatch map
2v2 soldier - deathmatch map
2v2 basketball - random - a random draw will be made at the start to pick teams
2v2 basketball - choose - you choose your partner before the competition

Please let me know which one or ones you like or indeed if there are any other type of comps we can do. All ideas welcome.
[small]Unconfirmed Sponsors:[/small]
Chateau Mouton Rothschild
His Royal Highness Prince Philip of Luxembourg
Krazy Caterers - (Makers of the finest mushroom vol-ou-vons south of Bristol)

Confirmed Sponsors:

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
Don Pedro
jump with the intel through the hoop to score.

Edited by Don Pedro on 26-07-2008 16:29

May I suggest Pyro Tennis aswell?

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
god damn it I want Volvo to be a sponsor Grin
Sounds great, especially the basketball and i'm sure [Dw] will put in a team of me and Luckz0r.
My biggest question is will it be run on the main tf2 server, and therefore make us unable to play normal tf2 or do you guys have a match server?
Fallen Seraph
okay, I might be a little over-keen, but I'd love to see all of the above, tbh.

perhaps not all at once.... but nonetheless they'd all be awesome fun.
Anyone wanna partner up for basketball? Wink
Fallen Seraph
aslo, forgive my impatience, but is there any timeframe on when these are liable to be happening?
Don Pedro
well, i reckon if I get my act together we could probably start in about 3/4 weeks time. this will allow us to decide the format and get the signups done.
Cpt Obvious
Baseball sounds fun since im fond of stickyjumping around the maps Smile
aye basketball sound s agoodun Smile
Yeah bball would be nice, if we got something like 8 or 16 teams then we could probably do it over 2 or 3 nights. I'd prefer to choose teams for it though Sick And would it just be soldiers, or demos allowed too? I think I'd prefer soldier-only tbh, less chance for annoying tactics :x.

That would probably be a good one to start on, either that or 1v1 soldier on dm_duel.
how hard would it be to get the pool working in tf2 ?
It would make for a great snipe off match
Don Pedro
thanks for offering to port the map to TF2 Tinger, can we have it by next week?
Don Pedro
we will probably slip the competitions onto the match server and leave the pub server untouched although I need to chat with Sick about this. more ideas are floating aorund my headGrin

a 2v2 deathmatch competition with one soldier and one other class of your choice. This leaves open many surprise tactics and could be very interesting, quick thinkers will be rewarded not just super solly skills. do you go one medic one soldier/heavy/demo/spy?? hmmm i like.

hows about a kind of running league? Everyone plays everyone once/twice and the players schedule their own match times (all to be played in a week).

perhaps i'm getting ahead of myself. We should prolly start with one cup competition to see how we go. Soooo, after Cold has finished the CSS poll i will put up a new one and we can all vote for which competition we want.
I think the choices will be:
1v1 soldier - dm-duel map
2v2 soldier - dm-duel map
2v2 anyclass - dm-dual map
1v1 soldier basketball
2v2 soldier basketball
2v2 demo/soldier basketball
1v1 pyro tennis
2v2 pryo tennis

Locke, you mention the tennis, what maps are they one? do you need a friggin umpire to score? how does it work dude?

I know Tinger would love a sniper competition. Mate, if you can find a map to play it on, we'll put it to the vote as wellGrin

any more additions?

Edited by Don Pedro on 29-07-2008 17:22


Edited by Don Pedro on 29-07-2008 21:33

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
Don Pedro
link you lazy git Smile

that looks like too many people will have to be involved to play a match. so i'm afraid pyro tennis is out

Edited by Don Pedro on 29-07-2008 21:40

oh man ... we really NEED to do pyro tennis ... looks awesome!
There is in the works on somethingawful a map called 'pyro breakout', I dunno on it's progress (first access to internet in a bit!) but I will link it once I'm in my new place. The map is set up with 10 dispensers each side, the round is won by the team that breaks all the opponent's dispensers and the dispensers reset each round. I don't know if you need a third player to launch the rocket or not but it's much lower requirements and a better game in general, plus allows for as many pyros per team as you like.
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