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Your working enviroment (influenced by other members posts)

This is my working enviroment for gaming, I bought my pc dimension 8400 4 years ago from dell for £1300 with x800xt gcard, 3.2ghz pent 4, 2 dvd rewriters, 5.1 surround sound, 500gb hd, 2 g ram, 17inch tft, think i got good deal for 4 yrs ago my first pc too. the gcard was £400 at the time. I always post when im drunk I gotta sort it out. Im such a noob I cant upload images properly but I think free will help me out if this image dont upload:rip:

great it didnt work user error, manual copy paste in to internet explorer.

Meser the internet noob:uhoh:

Edited by Clever Idiot on 13-02-2008 00:18

I would post a pic, but I appear to have lost my camera.....underneath all the other shit on my desk. That oughtta paint a fairly accurate picture in the meantime while I look for it :rol:
Rofl i cant get my desktop that dirty my parents will kill me :rol:

@ meser yoos got xbox live?Smile
I like images like these you can tell alot about the person.

Havent got xbox live yet mate. Really I brought the xbox for GTA 4 when it was due to be released last year then got delayed as usual. From experience of owning the xbox they are crap dont give Bill Gates the money get a PS3 save you money in the long run and a allround much sexier machine with alot higher specs.

not that anyone asked for my oppinoin on consolesGiggleol:

Thanks for the help free I will become master of the jedi arts one day.
rofl already got 360 and live xD Giggleol: same reasons really to get games that arent coming on pc Smile
Yeah I have a PS3 but I borrowed a 360 for a few months last year, PS3 is much better hardware. It looks nicer (imo, the 360 interface is unbelievably fugly), it's quieter, the pad is nicer, it's easier to use. But on the other hand 360 has the better games by far right now, although it has been out a year longer.
Yeah i agree with mega the 360 is loud as hell and it gets soo hot quickly! (20minutes it was warm xD)

I like the achievements on 360Smile

ps3 was just a tad out of my budget and the games are a tad expensive Smile
What a load of unnecesasry 360 bashing! Quite frankly the 360 kicks the crap out of other consoles (and always has) if for no reason other than the versatility of the thing!

First off, as has already been stated, it currently has the best selection of games of any of the consoles by far, and I've *had* both a playstation 3 and a Wii, both of which were quickly ebayed when I got bored of them. The PS3 is massively overpriced, and the Wii is just a fad. "oooh motion sensitive controllerS!!!"....then you get bored of it 2 weeks later. If you don't rate the qality of image/graphics on the xbox, then to be honest it's more than likely your telly. Even old(ish) games likes Gears of War, when run in 1080p look absolutely astonishing, thanks to the oh-so-lovely UT3 engine. Played Assassin's Creed? Project Gotham 4? Naruto: Rise of a Ninja? All beautiful looking games.

As far as controllers are concerned, I actually find the 360 controllers to be the most comfortable to use, but that one's just personal preference I guess. Bearing in mind that the controllers plug in by simple USB ports on the front (show me another console that does that!!), you can plug in pretty much any USB controller and it'll work to an extent. Oh, that and the fact that you can plug in USB sticks with tunes on/your ipod/whatever and play tunes while you play. The interface (xbox dashboard) is really use friendly, and gives you access to all kinds of groovy stuff via xbox live, downloadable free demos, themes to customise the UI, etc etc the list goes on.

Oh, and of course the piece de sharing. I have well over a terrabyte of movies/music/series of one description or another on my machine (god bless modern hard drive sizes), and it used to piss me off no end having all this stuff and only being to watch it on my PC, or burn it to disc for the DVD player. I was contemplating getting a second machine to use as a media centre. Now, however, using Vista and the 360, I can stream any video/music file (including divx/xvid/x264 codec'ed files) direct to the xbox from my PC over the network, and it looks great. Brilliant for parties/pissups/whatever as well, just browse the xbox to your PC's tunes folder, hit random, and play. Xbox DJ, complete with psychodelic TV screen visualisations for all you stoners out there Wink

Granted, it makes a fair bit of noise, so what?!? Stop being such a bunch of old ladies and turn the telly volume up a bit. After all the xbox is a glorified PC put into a smaller box, the heat dissipation in a box that size is gonna be rubbish, hence the need for UBER-fannage.

Aaaaaaand relax. Sorry, I just don't like unjustified slating of a device from people that clearly don't look at things from all angles Pfft

Feel free to go back on topic now Grin

Edited by FuZz on 13-02-2008 10:52
how much are you getting paid to advertise the 360 ? Pfft
Fuzz has hit the nail on the head there Smile
I'd love to get paid to advertise it tbh, that and play on it Wink
Clever Idiot
just replace this is better than that with commodore 64 or Sinclair spectrum debate nothing much changes after that Pfft

for our younger members Smile Devil


oh and i of course had the right machine for the time the commodore Smile

Edited by Clever Idiot on 13-02-2008 11:45

yes the xbox has more games cause its nearly 3 years out yet.
streaming videos also works on ps3 and wii!!
u got bored of the wii? hmm i got the wii modchip and have about 20 games for it and when i get bored i play another game. and i only get bored when i finished a game and thats on every other console also
overpriced ps3!?!? imao the only console which is overpriced is the wii.....thats definatly true the ps3 is sold for less money than it costs
ps3 vs xbox Devil
the ps3 got a implemented blue ray driveDevil the xbox only got an dvd drive u know what that mean? games can also produced on a blue ray which means they could make games with an insane content they can put over 50 gb on a game disc and the xbox can only read dvd(hddvd drive isnt standard so they wont produce games for it).
the ps3 got the sixaxis controller which means they also can implement some wii movement controls
the only things i hate on the wii are things like i cant install costum programms or codecs.... which really sucks and the graphic....
i dont wanna talk bad about the xbox but she is overpriced, RoD, extremly loud dvd drive,... but it has many games WHICH NEARLY ALL COME ON PC!!!!! mass effekt, GoW,...
i dont see any reason to buy an xbox360 .Please tell me a really good reason what it can do more than an standard pcDevil
and if u dont like the wii just take a look at youtube and u can see what some normal people can do with the wiimote and the sensor bar
just search for Wii virtual reality or Wii drums or Wii Jedi Knight
the xbox online community is ok but imao why do i have to pay for it? and what does it have what my pc cant do!?!?
sy for my english again and again and again.
but if u really have a look at all 3 console u will see that the xbox will go under in the next time, cause the gamedevelpore just learned how to use the wiimote right and what they can do with it and the ps3 will get some games u wont see so fast at the pc cause of the standard blueray drive. and the xbox? it already reached its limit, when they wanna get more out of it they would just produce more RoD
Allow me to summarise my thoughts on the argument for you:

EDIT: just realised I may have made the pic too big for those of you using baby I've linked it instead.

Edited by FuZz on 13-02-2008 14:52
yeah ok the last movie is only a fake,but they could make it like that in the real gameDevil
I think you're missing the point about versatility, but never mind. It's all well and good, but we're talking about what the consoles are like now, not what Nintendo *could* do with them if they pulled their fingers out fo their arses Pfft

Nevertheless, interesting vids!

Edited by FuZz on 13-02-2008 16:25
I have looked at all the angles, 360 hasnt got a HD disc drive for one when games get better and bigger than a dual dvd (lol) the 360 will become redundant unless you pay out for the add on Blu ray is loads better than HD discs. Microsoft have even press released saying of the poorness off there machine in comparison to PS3. Rockstar have said they have had to downsize gta 4 to fit it on 360s crappy discs so thanks a bunch Bill Gates how many other games will have to suffer for this sorry excuse for a next gen console. (spider man 3 was downsized due to no motion sensitive controller you lost the option to play as the goblin which ruled)
Other reasons

PS3 controllers have built in batteries (360 no)

PS3 has built in wireless internet connection (360 add on £50)

PS3 PSN is free and PS3 home is out soon (360 £40 a yr)

PS3 will have alot of exclusive titles too

Just trying help people learn from my mistake of purchasing a 360
Save a little bit more and boycott the 360 (aka xbox mark 2)Giggleol:
What a load of old bullshit, this is what I mean about slating it without having a clue Pfft


I have looked at all the angles, 360 hasnt got a HD disc drive for one

Erm, only if you're so cheap that you buy the "core" system. Which unless you're really stupid, you won't. All of the rest come with hard drives.


PS3 controllers have built in batteries (360 no)

The battery life on the 360 controllers regardless is actually significantly better than those of the Wii (I've had my 360 for the best part of 2 years and replaced the batteries once. PS3, fair enough.


PS3 has built in wireless internet connection (360 add on £50)

Anyone with half a brainstem wouldn't use wireless internet for gaming anyway, so this point is kind of irrelevant


PS3 PSN is free and PS3 home is out soon (360 £40 a yr)

I (and the majority) don't play consoles for online capability. That's what my PC is for. The only online functionality of the xbox I use is downloading stuff, and getting game updates, which *is* free. You only have to pay for certain services.


PS3 will have alot of exclusive titles too

Which the 360 already has, the vast majority of which are amazing. On this topic, you referred to Gears of War being out on the PC as well earlier, yes this is true. But it was not orginally intended for the PC. In fact it was only released on the PC in the last few months, because of the massive success on the xbox.

Any other rubbish you'd like to spew out? Pfft
You are silly fuzz

HD dvd reader not the hard drive which is pathetic anyways

Read the post properly and not singleminded you miss the truth

Basically the 360 makes you pay for everthing like batteries, wireless addon HD DVD READER!(lol) xbox live etc Which all comes as standard to PS3

This isnt really about if it suits your personal requirements more of which console is better out of the two
i gotta admit im a DS whore. Been playing through the phoenix wright games recently while my net had been borked. Most of the next gen stuff has been a bit of an anti-climax for me. The first game i played and enjoyed on a next gen was assassins creed, most of the other next gen games ive found to be a bit .. meh. So until that changes im not really gonna invest in any of the consoles.

EDIT:: I knwo assassins creed is a bit of a polerising game (love it or hate it). I said i enjoyed it, not debating the specific pros and cons. Bottom line was i enjoyed playing it, a quility in a game that i find is lacking somewhat in some of the releases across all platforms in the past year or so.

Edited by agrippa on 13-02-2008 17:16

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